Homework 01

Install Racket

1) Download this install scipt:

wget http://download.racket-lang.org/installers/5.2/racket/racket-5.2-bin-i386-linux-ubuntu-karmic.sh

2) cd to the directory it's in and run it:

sudo sh racket-5.2-bin-i386-linux-ubuntu-karmic.sh

Accept all default settings.

3) Run DrRacket

/usr/racket/bin/drracket &

4) Select Language->Choose language..., select "Use the language declared in the source." Every module you create should begin with this line:

#lang racket

5) You might want to create a launcher for drracket, or a shell alias.

6) When you save a module, choose a file name with the suffix .rkt.

Warmup Exercises

We will do most of these in class; you don't have to turn them in.

The subset of the language in Lecture 1 is Turing complete, but it is not easy to see that yet.

But if we add cond (or if), it becomes clearer.

(define (myabs x)

(cond ((< x 0) (- x))

((= x 0) 0)

((> x 0) x)))

(myabs -3)

Many computations that would be expressed using iteration in an imperative paradigm are expressed using recursion in a functional paradigm:

(define (factorial n)

(cond ((< n 0) 'oops)

((= n 0) 1)

(else (* n (factorial (- n 1))))))

(factorial 6)

This has the apparent drawback of using stack space in proportion to n.

In some cases this drawback can be mitigated by writing a version of the procedure that is 'tail-recursive':

(define (tail-factorial n)

(define (iter product counter)

(cond ((> counter n) product)

(else (iter (* product counter)

(+ counter 1)))))

(iter 1 1))

(tail-factorial 6)

What is the defining characteristic of tail recursion?

What optimization does tail recursion admit?

What is the difference between a bound and unbound variable?

Write a procedure called fib that takes a parameter n and returns the nth element of the Fibonacci sequence that begins F0 = 0, F1 = 1.

Rewrite this procedure in tail recursive form. Hint: if you are not yet fluent in functional style, consider writing a draft in Python using local variables, then translate into Racket and replace the local variables with parameters.

List processing

If all of the elements of a list are available at once, you can assemble them into a list with an operator called (drum roll, please) list!

> (list 1 2 3)

(1 2 3)

The output format for lists is not a valid input format:

> (1 2 3)

. procedure application: expected procedure, given: 1; arguments were: 2 3

But if you quote it, all is well:

> '(1 2 3)

(1 2 3)

There are two operators that access elements of a list:

(first t) returns the first element of list t

(rest t) returns a list of all-but-the-first elements of t


> (define t (list 1 2 3))

> (first t)


> (rest t)

(2 3)

Empty lists:

(list) creates an empty list

'() also an empty list

empty the most idiomatic way to create an empty list

(empty? t) returns #t if t is the empty list, #f otherwise

> '()


> (empty? '())


> (empty? t)


Write a procedure that takes a list of numbers and returns their sum:

Now write a tail-recursive version:


If all of the elements of a list are available at the same time, you can use (list) to assemble them.

But often you want to assemble a list a little bit at a time.

cons takes two arguments and returns a pair, sometimes called a 2-tuple

> (cons 1 2)

(1 . 2)

Again, the output format is not a legal input format:

> (1 . 2)

application: bad syntax (illegal use of `.') in: (1 . 2)

Unless you quote it:

> '(1 . 2)

(1 . 2)

To access the elements of a pair, you can use (car) and (cdr) which are historically interesting, but not mnemonic. Let's define better names:

(define (left t) (car t))

(define (right t) (cdr t))

And here's how you use them.

(define pair (cons 1 2))

(left pair)

(right pair)

In general, you can build any data structure out of pairs.

Draw box and pointer diagrams for the following expressions:

(cons 1 2)

(cons (cons 1 2)

(cons 3 4))

(cons (cons 1

(cons 2 3))


Notice the connection between the structure of the code and the structure of the data.

A list is a sequence of pairs where in each pair (first) is the cargo and (rest) is the rest of the list.

So every list is also a pair, but not every pair is a list.

Draw a box and pointer diagram for a list with the cargo 1 2 3 4.

Write an expression that builds this structure using cons.

(pair?) returns #t if the argument is a pair, #f otherwise.

(It is also written cons?, but I find that less readable.)

Write a procedure that takes a list as an argument and that builds a copy of the list (different list with the same cargo)

Does your procedure make a shallow or deep copy? Do we care?

What would a deep copy look like? What does it mean in this context?


Write a procedure called (square-list) that takes a list of integers and returns a list that contains the squares of the integers.

Write a more general procedure called (my-map) that takes a procedure as its first argument and applies it to each element of the list.

There is also an operator named map.


(even?) returns #t if its argument is an even number, #f otherwise.

Write a procedure called (select-evens) that takes a list and returns a list that contains only the even elements.

Write a more general procedure called (my-filter) that takes a procedure as its first argument, applies the procedure to each element in the list, and returns a list of the elements that yield #t.

You will not be surprised to hear that there is an operator named (filter) that does the same thing.

Note: You can use (let) to eliminate common subexpressions.


Write a procedure called (product-list) that takes a list of integers and computes their product (using only binary multiplications).

How would you generalize this procedure? Hint: see (foldl).


These are the ones you should turn in. Please put your answers in a file named hw01.rkt.

1) Write a procedure called (my-append) that takes two lists and returns a new list that contains all the elements from the first list followed by all the elements of the second.

2) Write a procedure called (my-reverse) that takes a list and returns a new list that contains the elements from the original list in reverse order. Hint: tail recurse!

3) Write a procedure called (deep-reverse) that takes a list and returns a new list that contains the elements from the original list in reverse order. If any of the elements are lists, they should also be reversed, and so on.

4) Write a procedure called (leaves) that takes a tree and returns list of the leaves (that is, all the elements that are not pairs).


Please create a Dropbox folder named first.last.focs (filling in your first and last name) and share it with




If you don't already have a Dropbox account, create one by following this link.

Please don't work in the shared folder (it causes a lot of unnecessary syncing). Work in another directory and then copy your solutions into the shared folder.