Working together as Merivale Fallowfield Pastoral Charge of the United Church of Canada Nepean, Ontario, Canada

Our two churches work together as one Pastoral Charge. We share a minister, organist, activities and fellowship groups, and support each other as a united community. We invite you to be a part of our congregation which welcomes all ages, faith backgrounds, and orientations into a supportive, kind, and giving community.

Our online services will continue to be posted on our website.

Sunday Online Service, September 8, 2024
Merivale Fallowfield Pastoral Charge

Please note that all church services will now be from 9:30 am to 10:30 am each week. 

The Shelter Oshki Kizis which has 25 beds for Indigenous women and children fleeing violence. They are supported by Miinwaashin Lodge. 

They need sample size tooth pastes etc. if possible. They also require new socks, underwear, and hygiene items. They do not always require full size items as this is a temporary place for them to stay.

Sue is collecting the donations. Read more

The Meditation Group meets on Thursdays at 10am at Merivale.

Choir Practice is on summer break.

Visit Merivale United Church community Facebook!

Visit Fallowfield United Church community Facebook!

Thank you to everyone!