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Want a Ban ? Frack Some New York State Senate Republicans Out of a Job

There is not likely to be any fracking ban in New York as long as the Republicans control the state senate. In fact, most bills that address fracking may not make it out of committees controlled by State Senate Republicans. Fortunately, there’s something you (who can actually vote in New York) can do about it. This year. . . .

Get rid of the Republican majority in the senate and you may have half a chance at a fracking ban – or at least a damn-sight better chance than the slim chance you have now. And maybe actually get some fracking bills out of committees that aren’t controlled by The Best Politicians That Money Can Buy.

Only takes 3 to tango to get control of the senate. Here’s a good place to start: Get rid of Senator Tom Libous – the worst fracking $hill in Albany. Tom Libous is 2nd in command behind Skelos. (And Skelos is shale $hill Jerry Kremer’s partner.)


Tom Libous is a fracking $hill, with his own rather lame shale $hill site:


Tom Libous is damaged goods – caught up in a scandal involving a fracking lobbyist and his son’s law firm:



What more could you ask for ? A shale $hill, a $candal, it’s all there. Tom Libous is a low hanging pinata. Do the right thing. No blindfold required. Come election day, adios Tommy.


Here’s the rest of the hit parade. Check page 12 – and tee up whoever cashed the check : http://www.scribd.com/doc/77780905/Gas-Lobby-in-NY

Fortunately there is a litmus tests in the Senate. (That’s what litmus is for. . . ) The Home Rule Bill should be conformed to the Dryden and Middlefield rulings. And it should be voted on and passed by summer’s end. Or all the state senators that did not support Home Rule should be fracked out of a job. Personally would spare Senator Jim Seward – whose stance on Home Rule could get him elected in any state west of the Mississippi. Maybe because it’s the law in every state west of the Mississippi . . . Ditto Greg Ball – my kind of Republican.

The rest of the lot – throw them out on election day. Want the DEC to straighten up and fly right ? A Democratic majority could help. And failing that, might need to work on this political party animal :


Get focused on the upcoming New York state races – you heard it here last . . .

James “Chip” Northrup






 Chip Northrup

Fracking New York
