
39-Mathevon N, Lockhart-Bouron M, Anikin A, Pisanski K, Corvin S, Cornec C, Papet P, Levrero F, Fauchon C, Patural H, Reby D. Infant cries convey both stable and dynamic information about age and identity. Communications Psychology. In press  

38- Cornec C, Mathevon M, Pisanski K, Entani D, Monghiemo C, Bola B, Planas-Bielsa V, Reby R, Levréro F. Human infant cries communicate distress and elicit sex stereotypes: Cross cultural evidence. Evolution and Human Behavior. In press 


37- Thévenet J, Papet L, Coureaud G, Boyer N, Levréro F, Grimault N, Mathevon M. Crocodile perception of distress in Hominid baby cries. Proceedings of the Royal Society B. In press


36- Arnaud, V., Pellegrino, F., Keenan, S., St-Gelais, X., Mathevon, N., Levréro, F., & Coupé, C. 2023. Improving the workflow to crack Small, Unbalanced, Noisy, but Genuine (SUNG) datasets in bioacoustics: The case of bonobo calls. PLOS Computational Biology, 19(4), e1010325.

35. Lemasson A, Coye C, Rebout N & Levréro F. 2022. The evolution of primate vocal communication: a social route. Revue de Primatologie 13. 


34. Cornec C, Ngofuna M, Lemasson A, Monghiemo C, Narat V, Levréro F. A pilot study of calling patterns and vocal turn-taking in wild bonobos Pan paniscus. 2022. Ethology Ecology & Evolution. DOI: 10.1080/03949370.2022.2044387  


33. Pougnault L, Levréro F*, Leroux M, Paulet J, Bombani P, Dentressangle, F, Deruti L, Mulot B, Lemasson A*. 2022. Social pressure drives “conversational rules” in great apes. Biological Reviews 97 (2) 749-765 pp. DOI: 10.1111/brv.12821


32. Pougnault L, Lemasson, A, Mulot B, Levréro F. 2021. Temporal calling patterns of a captive group of chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes). International Journal of Primatology 42(6), 809-832. DOI : 10.1007/s10764-021-00262-y.

31. Keenan S, Mathevon N, Stevens JM, Nicolè F, Zuberbühler K, Guéry JP, Levréro F, 2020. The reliability of individual vocal signature varies across the bonobo's graded repertoire. Animal Behaviour 169, 9-21. pdf

30. Demuru E, Pellegrino F, Dediu D, Levréro F, 2020. Foraging postures are a potential communicative signal in female bonobos. Scientific Reports 10, 15431. pdf

29. Pougnault, L, Levréro, F*, Mulot, B, Lemasson A*. 2020. Breaking conversational rules matters to captive gorillas: A playback experiment. Scientific Reports 10, 6947.pdf

28. Bouchet H, Plat A, Levréro F, Reby D, Patural H, Mathevon N. 2020. Baby cry recognition is independent of motherhood but improved by experience and exposure. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 287 (1921), 20192499. pdf

27. Baudouin A, Gatti S, Levréro F, Genton C, Cristescu RH, Billy V, Motsch P, Pierre JS, Le Gouar P, Ménard, N 2019. Disease avoidance, and breeding group age and size condition the dispersal patterns of western lowland gorilla females. Ecology e02786. pdf

26. Levréro F, Touitou S, Frédet J, Nairaud B, Guéry JP and Lemasson A. 2019. Social bonding drives vocal exchanges in Bonobos. Scientific Reports 9: 711.pdf

25. Levréro F, Mathevon, Pisanski K, Gustafsson E & Reby D. 2018. The pitch of babies’ cries predicts their voice pitch at age five. Biology Letters 14: 20180065.pdf

24. Levréro F, Keenan K, Mathevon N, Stevens JMG, Guéry JP & Zuberbühler K. 2017. Les bonobos se rappellent-ils la voix de leurs anciens partenaires ? Revue de Primatologie 8. pdf

23. Lemasson A, Peireira H, Levréro F. 2018. Social basis of vocal interactions in western lowland gorillas (Gorilla g. gorilla). Journal of Comparative Psychology Vol. 132, No. 2, 141–151. pdf

22. Koutseff A, Reby D, Martin O, Levréro F, Patural H, Mathevon N. 2017. The acoustic space of pain: Cries as indicators of distress recovering dynamics in preverbal infants. Bioacoustics 1-13.pdf

21. Genton C, Cristescu R, Gatti S, Levréro F, Bigot E, Motsch P, Le Gouar P, Pierre JP, Ménard N. 2017. Using demographic characteristics of populations to detect spatial fragmentation following suspected Ebola outbreaks in great apes.". American Journal of Physical Anthropology 164:3-10.  pdf

20. Taylor K, Reby D, Levréro F, Keenan S, Gustafsson E, Koutseff A, Mathevon N. Adult human perception of distress in the cries of bonobo, chimpanzee and human infants. 2017. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 20: 1-12.  pdf

19. Reby D, Levréro F, Gustafsson E, Mathevon M. Sex stereotypes influence adults’ perception of babies’ cries. 2016. BMC Psychology 4: 19 pdf

18. Keenan K, Mathevon N, Stevens JMG, Guéry JP, Zuberbühler K and Levréro F. 2016. Enduring voice recognition in bonobos. Scientific Reports 6:22046 pdf

17- Levréro F., Carrete-Vega G., Herbert A., Lawabi I., Courtiol A., Willaume E., Kappeler P.M. & Charpentier M.J.E. 2015. Social shaping of voices does not impair phenotype matching of kinship in mandrills. Nature Communications, 6: 7609 pdf

16- Genton C., Pierre A., Cristescu R., Levréro F., Gatti S., Pierre J.S., Ménard N. & Le Gouar P., 2015. How Ebola impacts social dynamics in gorillas: a multistate modelling approach. Journal of Animal Ecology, 84 (1): 166-176 pdf

15- Gustafsson E., Levréro F., Reby R & Mathevon. 2013. Fathers are just as good as mothers at recognizing their crying infant. Nature Communications, 4:1698 pdf

14- Levréro F. & Mathevon N. 2013. Vocal Signature in Wild Infant Chimpanzees. American Journal of Primatology. 75 (4): 324-332. pdf

13- Krief S., Levréro F., Krief JM., Thanapongpichat S., Imwong M., Snounou G., Kasenene JM., Cibot & M., Gantier JC.. 2012. Investigations on anopheline mosquitoes close to the nest sites of chimpanzees subject to malaria infection in Ugandan Highlands. Malaria Journal, 11:116 pdf

12- Levréro F., Blanc, A. & Mathevon, N. 2012. Response to begging calls by Zebra Finch parents: ‘‘First come, first served’’ rule may overcome a parental preference between chicks. Comptes Rendus Biologies 335 : 135–141

11- Genton, C., Cristescu, R., Gatti, S., Levréro, F., Bigot, E., Caillaud, D., Pierre, J.S. & Ménard, N. 2012. Population Recovery After a Major Ebola Outbreak: a Ten Year Study of Western Lowland Gorillas. PLos One. 7 (5): e37106. pdf

10- Levréro, F., Durand, L., Vignal, C., Blanc A. & Mathevon, N. 2009. Begging calls support offspring individual identity and recognition by zebra finch parents. Comptes Rendus Biologies 332 (6): 579-589 pdf

9- Le Gouar P., Vallet D., David L., Bermejo M., Gatti S., Levréro F., Petit, E. & Ménard, N. 2009. How Ebola impacts genetic diversity and structure of Western Lowland Gorilla populations. PloS ONE 4 (12): e8375 pdf

8- Caillaud D., Levréro F., Gatti S., Ménard N. & Raymond M. 2008. Influence of male morphology on male mating status and behaviour during inter-unit encounters in western lowland gorillas. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 135 (4): 379-388 pdf

7- Vallet D., Petit E.J., Gatti S., Levréro F., Ménard N. 2008. A new 2CTAB/PCI method improves DNA amplification success from faeces of Mediterranean (Barbary macaques) and tropical (lowland gorillas) primates. Conservation Genetics 9: 677-680 pdf

6- Levréro F., Gatti S., Gautier-Hion A. & Ménard N. 2007. Yaws disease in a wild gorilla population and its impact on the reproductive status of males. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 132(4):568-575 pdf

5- Douadi M., Gatti S., Levréro F., Duhamel G., Bermejo M., Vallet D. Ménard N. & Petit E. J. 2007. Sex-biased dispersal in western lowland gorillas (G. g. gorilla). Molecular Ecology, 16(11): 2247-2259. Photo on the front cover of the journal pdf

4- Levréro F., Gatti S., Ménard N., Petit E., Caillaud D. & Gautier-Hion A. 2006. Living in non-breeding groups: an alternative strategy for maturing gorillas. American Journal of Primatology 68 (3): 275-291. Photo on the front cover of the journal pdf

3- Caillaud D., Levréro F., Cristescu R., Gatti S., Dewas M., Douadi M., Gautier-Hion A., Raymond M. & Ménard N. 2006. Gorilla susceptibility to Ebola virus: The cost of sociality. Current Biology 16(13):489-491 pdf

2- Gatti S., Levréro F., Ménard N. & Gautier-Hion A. 2004. Population and group structure of western lowland gorillas (G. g. gorilla) at Lokoué, Republic of Congo. American Journal of Primatology 63 (3): 111-124. Photo on the front cover of the journal  pdf

1- Devos C., Gatti S. & Levréro F. 2002. New Record of Algae Feeding and Scooping by Pan t. troglodytes at Lokoué Bai in Odzala National Park, Republic of Congo. Pan Africa News, 9(2): 19-21. pdf


Book Chapter :

Pougnault L, Levréro F* & Lemasson A*. Conversation among primate species In: The Origins of Language Revisited - Differentiation from Music and the Emergence of Neurodiversity and Autism. Tome 2. Editor N.Masataka. Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd, pp.73-96. 2020.

Levréro. F. Ethologie sur les Primates. in: The difference between the sexes: Scientific questions, ideological traps. Editors N.Mathevon & E.Viennot. BELIN Editions, 2017.

*Same contribution