
Research Grants & Other Fundings

4 International Research grants, UdL/St Etienne (between 2012 and 2020)

Collaborator on a ANR project (PI: N.Mathevon, 2019-2023)

Laureate of 'ELAN ERC' , IDEXLYON ANR-16-IDEX-0005

Starting grant, LabEX ASLAN

Funding of GDR d’Ethologie

Funding of “Nature & Découverte” foundation.

Funding of WWF-Belgique

National Geographic Society grant ('Research and Exploration')

Postdoctoral Fellowship “Saint-Etienne Métropole”

Postdoctoral Fellowships “Andrew Mellon”, South Africa

Postdoctoral Fellowships of Rhodes University, South Africa

Postdoctoral Fellowships of the National Research Foundation of South Africa

My PhD fundings: 3 years of Governmental grant (Contract 362-2001), National Geographic Society, French Institute for Biodiversity and Ecofac program (European Union)