Flipped Classroom Process


FROM: http://researchnetwork.pearson.com/wp-content/uploads/ExecSummary_FlippedLearnig.pdf

Flexible Environment - flexibility in space, time, mastery, pedagogy, assessment

What is your current environment (space, pedagogy, assessment). *What are the challenges to creating a flexible environment? Is this attainable by all educators? How can you address your classroom space? What about differentiated teaching strategies? Assessment?

Learning Culture - shift in roles, increased student responsibility and ownership, creative and innovative *What will it take to make this change? How will students react? What are the benefits? What are the challenges?

Intentional Content - evaluate, re-evaluate what content needs to be taught, add what students can/should explore, inquire, apply. What skills, content do students have to master? What can students explore, learn on their own? What learning strategies are effective with students , eg active learning, Peer Instruction, PBL, Inquiry based learning, etc?

Professional Educator - connected educators, lifelong learners, collaborative, reflective *How will your teacher role shift in a flipped learning environment?

TCEA Flipped Classroom Process