Why We Should Psych Test Political Candidates - Psychopath Test ALL Policymakers


This web page was created by the braintumorguy, in Athens, GREECE.

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It is inconceivable that a criminal psychopath such as Jeffrey Dahmer, Ted Bundy, or Charles Manson could ever be elected president of the United States. But maybe one of their less brazen siblings could. That scenario is not only conceivable, but probable-if not already a fait accompli. And this is why I propose an amendment to the Constitution that would require presidential candidates to undergo psychological testing, the results of which would be made public.

Just beneath our antiquated social radar is a thriving nest of subcriminal, or socialized, psychopaths. Though their deviancy is masked and their crimes less revolting, these psychopaths nonetheless pose grave dangers to our collective well-being.

In Without Conscience, Dr. Robert D. Hare, one of the world’s foremost authorities in the area of psychopathy, says that such psychopaths “appear to function reasonably well-as lawyers, doctors, psychiatrists, academics, mercenaries, police officers, cult leaders, military personnel, businesspeople, writers, artists, entertainers and so forth-without breaking the law, or at least without being caught and convicted. These individuals are every bit as egocentric, callous, and manipulative as the average criminal psychopath; however, their intelligence, family background, social skills, and circumstances permit them to construct a façade of normalcy and to get what they want with relative impunity.”

What is a psychopath and why should we be concerned that such a person would become president of the United States? A checklist of emotional and interpersonal traits of such people would include: a grandiose sense of self-worth, pathological lying, lack of remorse or guilt, shallow emotions, lack of empathy, poor behavioral controls, lack of realistic long-term plans, impulsivity, and irresponsibility. Hmmm, let’s see: do we really want a president whose core behavioral patterns include lying, cheating, cruelty, irresponsibility, lack of remorse, poor relationships, exploitation, manipulation, destructiveness, irritability, and aggressiveness?

Most alarming of all is the “frightful and perplexing theme that runs through the case histories of all psychopaths: a deeply disturbing inability to care about the pain and suffering experienced by others-in short, a complete lack of empathy, the prerequisite for love.” If this inability to experience or care about others’ pain and suffering marries compulsive lying in the Church of No Conscience, presided over by Impulsivity-well, good lord, that’s a train wreck for sure.

It is unconscionable to elect a president who lacks empathy and conscience, honesty and integrity, and mature impulse control. Shouldn’t these qualities represent the minimum standard of mental health for someone who is commander-in-chief of the largest military force in the world and who has virtually unlimited power to affect the lives of billions of people?

It’s not easy to know if candidates for president are mentally sound. At the moment, the only requirements for holding office are set forth in Article II, Section I of the Constitution. It specifies that, to be president or vice president, a person must be a natural-born citizen of the United States, at least 35 years of age, and a resident of the United States for at least 14 years. That’s it; nothing more-except tons of cash. I don’t like that the bar is set so low.

How can we, the citizens who are charged with making wise and considered choices about who becomes president, evaluate whether a candidate is mentally sound or suffering from mental illness? We do not have that kind of access to candidates, who we finally empower to set our national priorities, influence public policy, command the military, raise or lower taxes, establish budgets, maintain or violate treaties, assemble a cabinet, and so much more. We can only witness manufactured, media-based performances that are scripted and rehearsed to produce an effect. We need to get behind the curtain of smoke and mirrors, behind the misdirection antics of press secretaries and publicists, to see who is really pulling the levers. We need a way to ascertain the mental health of presidential candidates before they are granted world-shaking powers.

So, I propose a Constitutional Amendment calling for all candidates to submit to a battery of psychological tests to be administered and interpreted by eminent psychologists-and the results made public. I’m surprised this hasn’t already occurred. After all, psychological tests, along with drug and polygraph tests and background investigations, are routinely required in the public safety sector, including police officers, correctional officers, dispatchers, security guards, park rangers, SWAT teams, fire fighters, and emergency medical technicians. Military psychologists conduct psychological testing and applicant assessment for general fitness-for-duty and for highly sensitive jobs requiring security clearances. (It’s interesting to note that the Department of Defense employs more psychologists than any other organization or company in the world.) Courts may sometimes order a battery of psych tests to determine parental fitness. Work-related aptitude, ability, and personality trait testing, a billion dollar industry, is common practice in Fortune 500 companies. In a document entitled “Nuclear Security-Before and After September 11,” the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission “requires background checks for nuclear facility employees to ensure that they are trustworthy. Every employee who has access to safety equipment is required to pass background checks, including an examination of past employment, references, credit history, education history, military service history, an FBI criminal record check, as well as to undergo psychological testing. While on the job, each employee is also subject to random drug and alcohol testing.”

Granted, working in a nuclear facility is an important and sensitive job and I can understand the rigorous screening procedures intended to qualify a candidate’s worthiness to handle the job.

I’d like to have an equivalent screening process for candidates for president. I’d like to know that they have a human heart that can feel the pain and suffering of others. I’d like to know they have a conscience to hold their base instincts in check. I’d like to know if they can tell the truth or whether they are compulsive liars. I’d like to know they can work cooperatively with others. I’d like to know that they are not seeking to conquer the world as compensation for lovelessness. I’d like to know that they respect living things, that they have a sense of the sacred. I’d like to know that their soul moves toward peace, not war; toward forgiveness, not vengeance; toward freedom, not oppression; toward tolerance, not hatred. I’d like to know these things. This is where I want to set the bar.

As it is now, I don’t take any candidate at his or her word. I don’t trust any of them to represent their true motives and goals. A Constitutional Amendment requiring candidates to be evaluated for mental health is one way we can level the playing field in our search for the truth about candidates. In 1972, George McGovern initially selected Thomas Eagleton, a senator from Missouri, as his running mate. What McGovern didn’t know at the time was that Eagleton had been treated for depression with electroshock treatments. In the eyes of many Americans, that meant Eagleton was not fit to be president, and as a result of the public disclosure of these facts, McGovern asked Eagleton to resign. My guess is that in the eyes of most Americans, a psychopath is not fit to be president.

There are a number of valid and reliable tests used to evaluate and assess a person’s personality traits and psychological health. The Personality Assessment Inventory (PAI) and the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI-2) can provide a comprehensive assessment of adult psychopathology and can help assess major symptoms of social and personal maladjustment.

With good reason, we already require firefighters and police officers and nuclear facility workers to be rigorously evaluated. With equal good sense and foresight, we should now apply the same standard to candidates for president.

© 2004/Robert Rabbin/All rights reserved Robert Rabbin is a writer and speaker whose twin passions of spiritual wisdom and social justice are expressed in his column of social commentary.

Excerpt from “Why We Should Psych Test Political Candidates” by Robert Rabbin, 11 January 2004

Photo courtesy NPR.org

Psychopath TEST Politicians


Would you vote for this guy?

Help Teach: What is a Psychopath?


DEFINITION of psychopath: A person with a neurologically impaired (lack of) conscience and limited or no empathy.

Psychopaths are estimated to be ~4 percent of the population. This means that there are 12 million psychopaths in the United States. People have the wrong idea that they are all violent. Most psychopaths are generally con artists, that hide among us, because very few people know what real psychopathy is. Many psychopaths have weirdly calm demeanors (like Obama - not a political commentary, just an example). They appear normal when everything is going their way. When things go someone else's way, then they show their true colors.

When you see an adult acting unusually childish and self-centered, that's a clue that they are neurologically immature. When an adult's actions continually contradict their words, that's a big clue that they have no conscience. Other repetitive actions that are clues: When an adult has childish tantrums when s/he doesn't get their way,

When an adult tries to shut you up, saying, "I don't want to hear anymore, end of discussion",

When an adult asks you to go entirely out of your way to do something for them.

When an adult is contrary and argumentative just for the sake of it.

Please, please, please support this effort. I can't do it by myself. Please help advance psychopathy awareness education with a small donation. Just $5 in advertising EDUCATES 500 people! That's five hundred more educators who can pay it forward.There is a way to stop psychopaths from hurting people and learning the signs is key !

Do you know if your child has psychopathy? Perhaps your baby never cries? Perhaps your kid is never bothered by anything? Perhaps your child has limited emotions and empathy? Perhaps your child repeatedly crosses boundaries and offends others? How do you properly influence a psychopathic child to curb problem behaviors since punishment is not a deterrent?

[How I got started on this mission:

I accidentally discovered that I was married to a psychopath . It doesn't mean he's violent. It means he has no conscience, nor empathy, but he fakes it better than normal people show true feelings. Psychopathy means he has no love, no loyalty, no decency. Betrayal on a whim. No remorse. Totally self-serving. Wears the disguise of the sweetest guy on earth and no one knows the darkness of his heart .]

Please give support to this educational fund in order to increase awareness about how to spot a psychopath early - before we naively give our trust to a psychopathic con artist. This crowdfund provides many free educational materials: TEDed Lesson "What is a psychopath?" http://ed.ted.com/on/VMwOaVwq‎ via @TED_ED

***Please share this free lesson!***

Also: How to Spot A Prosocial Psychopath on WikiHow

and information Advocating MRI testing politicians



The vast majority of psychopaths are not extremely physically violent. Most of the socialized psychopaths go about their selfish, pathologically narcissistic lives without causing physical harm. They are still dangerous because, without a conscience, there is no limit to the material and emotional damage they are capable of doing, in addition to the violence that some exhibit.

Psychopaths are false friends and clever con artists. Anyone can be a target of their conscienceless manipulation.

How easy is it to spot a psychopath?

---------------------------------------------------------Psychopaths like to control and manipulate (covertly) and are drawn to positions of power. Because of their built-in tendency to always be self-serving, they lack the ability to be true Public Servants. Psychopaths are easily corrupted. Psychopaths in government are responsible for the policies that allow corporations to wreak havoc on society, as well as the laws that blatantly disregard the Constitution.

How many are politicians are psychopathic? Designation of someone as a "psychopath" is not meant to be an insult. Psychopathy is a neurological condition (having no conscience) that results in a covert personality disorder.

This page helps promote awareness of neuroscience sMRI and fMRI psychopathy testing when a person seeks a position of trust (political, romance, job candidate). Antisocial Personality Disorder (ASPD) Checklists are not good enough.

I don't know which politicians are psychopaths. The contradictions are blatant. We need to do testing!

Psychopathic lawmakers are self-serving and their focus on power and greed takes precedence over the well-being of the people. We are now The Land of the Forfeited Freedom because policymakers are corrupt.

---------------------------------------------------***Psychopathic Control of Society CRIMINALIZES Everything Good... AND sets police department QUOTAS for arrests:

***Psychopathic Control of Society LEGALIZES Everything Bad - Patriot Act and Citizens United

Do We Want This?


Is Psychopathy Genetic? Yes. Genes play a significant role in the development of psychopathy. However socialization and other environmental factors interact with genetics and affect whether one expresses extremes of psychopathic traits.

Psychopaths need to be identified because their void of conscience means they can NEVER be trusted. No matter how civilized, or prosocial a psychopath appears to be, they are neurologically unlimited in their capacity to destroy people emotionally, harm the environment, and create worldwide havoc – without any care at all.

Psychopaths (aka sociopaths) are impaired neurologically, and like drug users, arenot fit for positions of Social Leadership.

--Before running for political office, we need to ask the potential candidates for a psychopathy TEST as part of their security clearance background checks.

Testing needs to be implemented. Psychopaths are people who have never experienced stress, nor endured the agony of heartbreak, and therefore are in no position to counsel the rest of the world using their warped definition of "success".

The next Presidential election in the United States is in 2016. In order to place PSA's in front of a minimum of 14 million people, the cost will be one hundred thousand dollars.

This educational effort is of supreme importance to me - so important that even though I am on my own, not reaching very far, I will keep going until I die. Global psychopathy awareness may take decades. I am inspired by the perseverance of Nelson Mandela. Your support can raise the public service announcements to a level that would make a vastdifference! Every little bit counts.

I am a private citizen, not a corporation. I have an extensive background of over 40 years studying psychopaths firsthand - and developed a way to spot psychopaths around you:

As Dr. Robert Hare put it so succinctly: “[I]f we can’t spot them, we are doomed to be their victims both as individuals and as society ."


FREE resources:

--Psychopathy Research: https://nopsychos.wordpress.com/research/

--What is a Psychopath? http://ed.ted.com/on/VMwOaVwq

--"What is fMRI" video https://youtu.be/lLORKtkf2n8


--How to Spot a Pro-Social Psychopath https://www.facebook.com/notes/psychopathy-genetics/how-to-spot-a-pro-social-psychopath/781795738538803

--Aftermath: Surviving Psychopathy Foundation http://aftermath-surviving-psychopathy.org/index.php/about/

--We need to teach our youth about antisocials, before they go out in the world to find partners. Please share: A booklet for young girls (and boys, too), to identify potential abusers and #ASPD http://www.rebeccamusser.com/redflags/

--RED FLAGS of pathological persons http://www.harlantaylor.com/blog/the-big-red-flag-list-who-is-bad-news

How they con you -- A psychopath gives 4 messages:

1. I like who you are.

2. I am just like you.

3. Your secrets are safe with me.

4. I am the perfect friend/lover for you.

This is how a psychopath will very rapidly create an intimate bond with his prey. -Dr. David McDermott

More on this: http://www.decision-making-confidence.com/mind-control-trick.html

Let's Remove Psychopaths Out of Power!

"Revealed; The Men Who Own and Run the US Government "


**Please donate to the fund, and if you can't, then: **Share the knowledge with family and friends who don't know how to identify psychopaths in their lives. (Psychopaths are 4 percent of population - you know a few!)

**Use your psychopath spotting skills when choosing to support a politician.

**Sign and share the Petition to Test Politicians for Psychopathy http://www.nopsychos.org

**Please share this campaign on social media.

Thank you very much!

-Tina Taylor, US NAVY Veteran 1987-1992

(The Gulf War began on Thursday, August 2, 1990 and ended(?) on Thursday, February 28, 1991.

http://PsychopathyGenetics.com on Facebook



Monsters are real. It's time to stop feeding kindergarten children myths such as "Everybody has feelings":









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This web page was created by the braintumorguy, in Athens, GREECE. please make a Small Donation, in my fight against my Brain Tumor which is Growing,

www.paypal.com my email account: braintumor2014@gmail.com

(1) (2) (3)

(4) (5)

(1) 2015-08-15 me and King Leonidas of Sparta, Greece, in front of the Acropolis Museum, in Athens, Greece.

(2) 2015-11-22 in front of the Acropolis, in Athens, Greece.

(3) 2015-11-26 in Athens GREECE, in Syntagma Square in front the Parliament Building. - in between the water fountain and the Christmas Tree.

(4) 2016-05-01 me and my Masters, the Great Ancient Greek Philosophers Plato, and Aristotle.

(5) 2016-05-30 Beautiful Greece & the Greek Islands from Space on a beautiful clear day. Thank you NASA.

for more information about me, please visit my main web page


2017-09-23 : the website is under construction.
