About Us

The church, as is its tradition, remains a strong church family, centered in Christ, and excited about its future. The congregation, though of diverse opinions, loves each other as brothers and sisters in Christ. Our vision statement drives our decisions and actions. We use a traditional Presbyterian worship format. Dress is business casual. All are welcome! 


Rev. Nikki Cooley


Brittany Grovijohn, Pam Larson, Sophie Murphey,

Nancy Mabrey, Bev Schmidt, and Carolyn Wallis


Kevin Bower, Steve Hawkins,Mary Jane Houston,

Amanda Kain, Denise Milstead, Bob Riggs, 

Kerry Schmidt, Sarah Tustison, and Nathan York

Clerk of Session:

Denise Milstead


Jim Mabrey, Nancy Mose, and Jeanne McNabeney


Ken Leitze, Jim Mabrey, and Mike Perrin