First Presbyterian Church 138 N Main Street Liberty, MO 64068
This church does not exist for itself, but for the sake of the world, for which Christ lived, loved and died. We strive to be partners in Christ's work, and pray that what we do in worship, study, and fellowship helps to equip us to serve the world in all its brokenness and need.
This church does not exist for itself, but for the sake of the world, for which Christ lived, loved and died. We strive to be partners in Christ's work, and pray that what we do in worship, study, and fellowship helps to equip us to serve the world in all its brokenness and need.
Our worship service attracts a diverse group of people and impacts their lives for Christ. This congregation is growing together on our spiritual journey.
Our worship service attracts a diverse group of people and impacts their lives for Christ. This congregation is growing together on our spiritual journey.
Sunday Highlights:
Sunday Highlights:
9AM: Adult Bible Study
9AM: Adult Bible Study
9AM: Nursery available during Sunday School and Worship
9AM: Nursery available during Sunday School and Worship
9AM: Children's Sunday School
9AM: Children's Sunday School
10AM: Worship
10AM: Worship
11AM: Fellowship following Worship
11AM: Fellowship following Worship
5:30PM: Youth Group
5:30PM: Youth Group
Office Hours by appointment
Office Hours by appointment
FPC News
FPC News
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2018 News Archive
2018 News Archive