e. Homework #2

Post date: Oct 04, 2019 4:55:29 AM

Homework #2 description:

Choose one of the Decentralized Financial Applications above or in Defipulse.com, do the survey about its business model, vision, and technique about this app/company. You need to analyze the key part of the code.

Also, point out their pros and cons, and how we may improve it or destroy it. If you want to pick the one we cover in class (such as Compound), you need to go much deeper.

Submit your work in ceiba (in ppt format). You may choose to work independently or work in your group for this assignment. Group reports, however, must contain more content as well as the contributions of each member. Each group must work on different DeFi. See: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1-6SrvJJ4JyGAw920w0iw4tjPZ-cS4NC3onSnv8BdJX8/

On 5/1, come to class to present your PPT for 15 minutes. (physical or virtual)