d. Project #C: Wallet

Post date: Mar 17, 2019 11:18:1 AM


In this homework assignment, you will learn and practice to use a cold wallet to manage your digital assets on blockchains.

You will get a cold wallet (KelvinWallet) device that is capable of signing some types of Ethereum transactions. The cold wallet is a USB HID device, and you can control it from your PC/laptop using the tools provided in kelvinjs-sdk hosted on GitHub: https://github.com/KelvinWallet/kelvinjs-sdk

The cold wallet device is capable of deriving multiple private keys at runtime following the BIP32/BIP44 convention. We recommend you just use "the first account" available (which is derived under m/44'/60'/0'/0/0)

You will need to initialize your cold wallet with a PIN code and a 24-word BIP39 mnemonic sentence (randomly generating a new one or importing a mnemonic you know). After that, you need to generate an Ethereum address and make an ERC20 transfer call on Ropsten testnet from this address.


    1. Install Node.js v10 and Yarn (we haven't yet support newer versions of Node.js like v12/v13)

    2. Install kelvinjs-sdk as described on https://github.com/KelvinWallet/kelvinjs-sdk

    3. Initialize your cold wallet

    4. Get an Ethereum address from it

    5. Transfer some ERC20 tokens (any ERC20 compliant token, any non-zero amount) from your address to 0xd2448AC204465aB30e20652421FA70B5DaF8Dd15 on Ropsten testnet.

    6. Take 6 photos of your KelvinWallet, when it shows the transaction details (in 6 pages)

    7. Finish all these and submit a PDF report to CEIBA before the deadline; the report should contain:

      1. Your student ID

      2. Your Ethereum address generated by your KelvinWallet

      3. The transaction ID of the ERC20 transfer generated from your KelvinWallet

      4. 6 photos: the full transaction details shown on your KelvinWallet when signing the tx

For detail description please refer to
