

“Housing Supply in the Presence of Informality”, joint with Ricardo Guedes and Marcelo Sant'Anna. Regional Science and Urban Economics, Volume 99 (March 2023), 103875.  [final version, pdf]

“Under-diversification and idiosyncratic risk externalities”, joint with Dejanir Silva and Chao Zi, Journal of Financial Economics, 143(3), 1227-1250 (2022). [final version, pdf]

“Information quality and regime change: Evidence from the lab”, joint with Leif Helland, Ragnar Juelsrud, Plamen T. Nenov, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 191 (2021), 538-554. [final version, pdf]

“The choice channel of financial innovation”, joint with Plamen Nenov and Alp Simsek; American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics, 13(2), 333-72 (2021). [final version, pdf

“Labor earnings dynamics in a developing economy with a large informal sector”, joint with Diego Gomes and Cézar SantosJournal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 103854 (2020). [final version, pdf]

“Competitive real options under private information”, joint with Leandro Gorno, Journal of Economic Theory,  185, 104945 (2020).  [final version, pdf

“Capital budgeting and risk taking under credit constraints”, Management Science, 66(9), pp. 4292-4314, iii-iv (2020). [final version, pdf]

“Homicides and the age of criminal responsibility in Brazil: a regression discontinuity approach” , joint with F. Costa, J. Faria, and B. Caballero, Economía, the Journal of Lacea, 19.1 (2018): 59-92. [final version, pdf]

“Information quality and crises in regime-change games”,  joint with Plamen Nenov, Journal of Economic Theory, 158 (2015), pp. 739-768. [final version, pdf]

Work in progress

“Urban growth risk and prices: A dynamic spatial theory”, joint with Leandro Gorno

Monetary policy and labor earnings, joint with Diego Gomes, Ana Paula Ruhe, and Cézar Santos [draft]

Subjective beliefs, disagreement, and market return predictability”, joint with Raul Riva [draft]