7.Group news

[February 2022] 축하합니다.

고기환 학생이 박사학위 심사를 성공적으로 마쳤습니다. 축하합니다. 고 박사님!

[October 2021] 축하합니다.

김유중 석사과정 학생이 국제학회 RPGR2021 우수포스터 발표에서 은상을 수상하였습니다. 

[October 2021] Welcome!

Dr. Ganesh Kumar Veerasubramani join our gourp. Welcome!

[April 2021] 하합니다.

신환수 박사과정 학생이 2021년 춘계 한국섬유공학회 우수포스터 발표에서 최우수상을 수상하였습니다.

[February 2021] 하합니다.

서재식 박사와 강동준 석사의 졸업을 축하합니다.

[December 2020] 축하합니다.

우리 연구실이 한양대학교에서 주관한 공동장비활용 우수사례 공모전에서

[November 2020] Congratulation!

Dong Jun Kang received the "Best Poster Award" in ENGE 2020. Cheers!

[August 2020] Congratulation!

Wonsik Eom successfully completed his doctoral thesis. Congratulation Dr Eom!

[June 2020] 축하합니다.

Nature communcations에 발표된 우리 연구실의 MXene Fiber 가 언론에 소개되었습니다.












[June 2020] 축하합니다.

엄원식 박사과정 학생의 MXene Fiber 연구가 Nature communications에

게재된 논문은 Editors' Highlights에 선정되었습니다.

[May 2020] Congratulation!

Dr Neeil's paper was selected as one of the most read in Advanced Materials interfaces (2018-2019).

[March 2020] Congratulation!

Sung Hyun Noh successfully completed his doctoral thesis. Congratulation Dr Noh!

Sang Hoon Lee and Eun Song Lee successfully completed his master thesis. Congratulation!

[Nov 2019] Featured on the inside back cover

Osmotic power generation with graphene fibers!  

[June 2019] Congratulation!

Prof. Han was invited as "2019 emerging investigators" from Journal of Materials Chemisty A. In this special issue, we reported the fiber-type energy harvestor.









[August 2020] Welcome!

Ki Hwan Koh returns back to our lab after his visting research in KIST and UCSD.

[August 2019] Congratulation!

Collaborative work with Prof Jiaxing Huang, Prof. SonBinh T. Nguyen, and Prof Horacio Espinosa (MSE, Northwestern University) was published at Nature Communications. Stronger graphene oxide 'paper' made with weaker units!

     Materials Today    



     7th Space Family Portal

     Science Daily

     Long Room

      강성 높은 그래핀 필름 제조기술 개발



[June 2019] Cheers!

Dr Hun joined the Jiaxing Huang's group Northwestern Univeristy. Good luck with your next step!

[May 2019] Congratulation!

Collaborative work with Prof Chang Hwan Choi (MSE. Hanyang Univ.) was published at Nanoscle. Low-temperature solution based synthesis of TiO2 and its applications as transistors were introduced.

[Feb 2019] Congratulation!

Dr Park and Young Bae received PhD and Master degree, respectively. Congratulation!  Good luck with your next step!

[Feb 2019] Congratulation!

We have been looking for the new debonding materials and process for flexible electronics for the last 3 years. Finally we made it with graphene. Joint research with Prof Jin-Sung Park (MSE, Hanyang Univ.) was accepted from Carbon. Thank you for your hard work. Cheers!

[Jan 2019] Congratulation!

Collaborative work with Prof Ki-Hyun Kim (Dept. of Civil and Environmental Eng. Hanyang Univ.) was published at Environmental Research. Graphene is great adsorbent. Cheers!

[Jan 2019] Congratulation!

Dr Rohan and Dr Hun's work on the activation of graphene fiber was published at ACS AMI. They made the high performing fiber type supercapacitors. The paper was selected as a cover art. Cheers and thanks Rohan and Hun for you hard work.

[Jan 2019] Welcome!

Dong Jun, Hak Bong, and Hwan Soo join our gourp. Welcome!

[Dec 2018] Congratulation!

Hun's work to reveal the fundamental phenomenon in graphene assembly was finally published at Science Advances.





[Nov 2018] Congratulation!

Hun successfully completed his doctoral thesis. Congratulation Dr Park!

[Oct 2018] Congratulation!

Sung Hyun's first work on the self-reduction of graphene fiber was accepted from Carbon. Sung Hyun found that graphene fibers can be the highly conductive carbon fiber after Joule-heating treatment. We can finally finish our 2 years long journey. Thanks for your hard work. Cheer!

[Oct 2018] Congratulation!

Dr Neeil's first work on MXene was published at Advanced Materials Interfaces. Cheers! It is already hard to wait for your serial papers to be published soon.

[June 2018] Congratulation!

Invited review article on the graphene colloids and their assembly was published at Chemical Society Reviews. Congratulation!




[April 2018] Congratulation!

Wonsik received the "Best Presentation Award" in Korean Fiber Society Spring Meeting. Cheers!

[March 2018] Welcome!

Dr. Rohan, Eun Song, Sumin, Sang Hoon join our gourp. Welcome!

[Feb 2018] Congratulation!

Yeong Uk successfully received his MS degree!

[May 2017] Congratulation!

Ki Hwan's electrochemistry work was finally accpeted by RSC Advances. Cheers!

Title: "Graphene quantum dot/phthalocyanine conjugate: A synergistic catalyst for the oxygen reduction reaction"

[April 2017] Congratulation!

Seung Hyun's work for graphene functionalization and the characterization of charge separation was accepted by Carbon.

Thanks your hard work!

Title: "A graphene-phthalocyanine hybrid as a next photoactive layer"

[April 2017] Welcome!

Dr Neeil joins our group. Welcome!

[March 2017] Awarded as HYU Excellent Faculty Member!

[Feb. 2017] Welcome!

Young Bae (MS course), Ki Hyun (PhD & MS course) join our group. Welcome!

[November 2016] Presentation at Korean Ceramic Soceity Meeting

Prof. Han gave an invited talk with a tilte of "Porous graphene oxide and graphene quantumn dots"

[September 2016] Congratulation!

Dr Choi is appointed as an assistant professor at Sahmyook University, Seoul. Good luck with your next step!

[August 2016] Presentation at the 2016 ACS

Prof. Han gave an invited talk at ACS meeting in Philadelphia.

Title: "Nanoporous graphene and graphene quantum dots: clean synthesis, structural characterization and applications"

[August 2015] Congratulation!

Wonsik and Hun's paper on "Graphene Mimicking" work is accepted by Advanced Functional Materials.It is a big achievement from collaboration work with prof. Hansoo Kim (Dept. Energy Eng. Hanyang Univ.). Cheers and thanks Wonsik and Hun for hard work!

Title: "Graphene Mimicking Two Dimensional Porous Co3O4 Nanofoils for Lithium Battery Applications"

[June 2016] Welcome!

Dr. Choi and Dr Malai join our group. Welcome and Cheers!

[April 2016] Presentation at the 2014 MRS

Ko presented his research results at the 2016 Materials Research Society (MRS) Spring Meeting in Phoenix.

[December 2015] Welcome!

Younghun (MS course) join our group. Welcome!

[May 2015] Presentation at the 2015 ECS

Hun and Seung Hyun introduced thier research at the 2015 Electrochemical Society (ECS) Spring Meeting in Chicago.

[August 2015] Congratulation!

Hun's paper on preparation of quantum dots from graphene oxide is accepted by Scientific Reports. Cheers and thanks Hun for hard work!

Title: "Large Scale Synthesis and Light Emitting Fibers of Tailor-Made Graphene Quantum Dots"

[December 2014] Welcome!

Yeong Uk, Wonsik, Ki Hwan (MS course) join our group. Welcome!

[November 2014] Congratulation! 

Our undergraduate students (Yeong Uk,  Haein, Kang Hyun, Dong Hyun, Jisu) won the 3rd place in the Hanyang Capstone Design Fair. Great!

[April 2014] Presentation at the 2014 MRS

Hun presented his research results at the 2014 Materials Research Society (MRS) Spring Meeting in San Francisco.

[March 2014] New group members

Yoon Joo NA joined the group as a research staff.  Welcome!

[February 2014] New group members

Yundeok PARK from KIST joined the group as a research staff. Welcome!

[December 2013] Steam etched GO selected for Analytical Chemistry and JACS virtual issue

Steam etched porous GO is selected for JACS and Analytical Chemistry virtual issue on "Nanomaterials in Analytical Chemistry".


The editorial:


"This virtual issue assembles innovative papers from Analytical Chemistry and the Journal of the American Chemical Society in 2011 and 2012 that highlight discoveries in the assembly of nanomaterials, intriguing applications, and insightful methods of nanoscale analysis.”—From editorial by Frances S. Ligler and Henry S. White

[December 2013] Welcome!

Seung Hyun Noh (MS & PhD integrated course) joins our group. Welcome!

[October 2013] Congratulation!

New method to prepare polymeric composites with high thermal conductivity is accepted in ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces (I.F.: 5.008). Title of the article is "Copper shell networks in polymer composites for efficient thermal conduction". Congratulation!

[August 2013] Congratulation!

Graphene assembly work is accpeted in Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology. Title of the article is "Direct Assembly of Graphene Oxide on Flexible Substrates for Highly Transparent Electrodes via the Langmuir-Blodgett Technique". Congratulations!

[August 2013] Congratulation!

Collaboration work with KAIST is accpeted in Advanced Materials (impact factor: 14.829). Title of the article is "Chemically Modified/Doped Carbon Nanotubes & Graphene for Optimized Nanostructures & Nanodevices". Congratulations!

[August 2013] Congratulation!

Hun's first article is accepted in Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society (BKCS). Title of the article is "Graphene Oxide as a Novel Nanoplatform for Direct Hybridization of Graphene -SnO2". Congratulations and well done!

[July 2013] Open Position

We are looking for a postdoctoral researcher who has a strong background in the field of electrochemistry, energy materials and devices, or conducting polymers. If interested, please send curriculum vitae (CV) to than@hanyang.ac.kr.

[April 2013] Congratulation!

Collaboration work  with Prof. Sang Ouk Kim (KAIST) is accepted in Small (impact factor: 8.349) . Title of the article is "Direct growth of polyaniline chains from N-doped sites of carbon nanotubes".

[December 2012] Welcome!

Woongrak (MS course) and  Hun (MS & PhD integrated course) join our group. Welcome!

[November 2012] Congratulation! 

Euiseong, Byungsu and Sung-Geun won the 2nd place in the Hanyang Capstone Design Fair. Great!

[October 2012] Publication 

Collaboration work  with Dr. Chong Min Koo (KIST) is published in J. Colloid & Interface Sci. Title of the article is "A facile route to fabricate stable reduced graphene oxide dispersions in various media and their transparent conductive thin films". 

[March 2012] Tae Hee is appointed as an Assistant Professer of Dept. Organic and Nano Engineering, Hanyang University.