My Collection

Let's get one thing straight, I love Meccano!! The toys developed and produced by Frank Hornby's Meccano Ltd are a link to a bygone age of happier and more innocent times. I can't fail to see the attraction of a box full of shiny Meccano and have little trouble imagining how delighted any boy would have been on Christmas morning or birthday to receive an outfit or train set. That they have lasted so well and incite such interest globally today is a testament to Frank Hornby, the company he created and the toys he and his staff developed.

My collection only scratches the surface of the myriad of toys Meccano Ltd. produced; there are many desirable objects I'd love to add including examples of the Hornby Speedboats from the 1930's, Meccano Aero and Car Constructor sets from the same period but with any hobby part of the enjoyment is obtaining that elusive item or finding something unknown. That all said, these were and still are toys and were made to be enjoyed, they continue to bring me considerable joy and I hope one day my young sons will enjoy them as I do.



Nickel (1907-26)

Dark Red and Green (1926-34)

Light Red and Green (1962-64)

Hornby O Gauge Loco's & Rolling Stock

Hornby O Gauge Accessories

Dinky Toys

Meccano Ltd. Ephemera

Pre-War Ephemera

Post-War Ephemera