Is there a code of conduct?
Yes! We really like the code of conduct created by Software Carpentry, which is posted here. We also have an ombud to whom conference participants can talk in addition to the conference organizers.
What does housing look like?
On-site housing consists of a mixture of single and double occupancy dormitory rooms. Some attendees will have roommates.
Is there off-site housing for the conference?
If you prefer or need off-site housing, you must make those arrangements yourself. Prices are very high compared to dormitory housing. We suggest using the online booking tools, and include older information below in case you'd prefer to contact hotels directly. The Edenbrook and Highbrook have the best rates...
The following hotels and motels are within walking distance of the College of the Atlantic Campus:
Find these on a map.
Is registration cheaper if I am staying off-site?
Yes. But housing is not. Off-campus registration plus off-campus housing costs will almost certainly be higher than on-campus registration, which includes housing.
Is Friday night included in the dorm reservation?
Yes. Housing is provided from Sunday night through Saturday morning.
Can we stay in the dorms a night early/late?
Unfortunately, no. The dorms are only available from Sunday night through Saturday morning. Check out time on Saturday morning is 9.30. Please don't stay late!
Should I bring anything?
Yes! This is not a hotel. Soap and shampoo are not provided but a towel and some blankets are. You will have to make your own bed when you arrive. The blankets are thin for some people, so either bring warm clothes or a spare blanket with you.
What time do we have to leave?
Because the College of the Atlantic hosts other guests soon after we leave, they need to clean the dormitories starting as early as possible on Saturday morning. You must be COMPLETELY out of your room by 9.30 AM. Thank you!
Are the dorms and meeting rooms accessible for disabled participants?
We are discussing this issue with the College of the Atlantic and expect to be able to provide appropriate accommodations for those who require them. Please contact Michael Wittmann at mwittmann@ maine.edu for further information.
Can I bring my partner, kids, nanny...?
Dorm housing is generally unsuitable but we have had families with small children stay in dorms in the past. Please let us know if you need to bring someone and we can help you figure out the options. The sooner we know, the better.
What size posters should we bring for the contributed poster session?
They should be no larger than 4' x 4'. We suggest slightly smaller width posters, so that you don't smash up against your neighbor's poster.
Are there vegetarian or other meal options?
The cafeteria can provide vegetarian, vegan, gluten-free, lactose-free, and nut-free meals. We will send a survey that includes questions about any dietary needs after registration.
The lobster bake has a vegetarian option where food is not prepared around meat, fish, or lobster.
Where are things on campus?
What is there to do in the area?
If you are interested in hiking, boating, biking, or seeing Bar Harbor, look at these websites:
- College of the Atlantic
- Bar Harbor Info
- Acadia National Park (National Park Service site)
- Acadia National Park (Bar Harbor Info site)
When are shuttle vans driving?
We will know this once people have sent us their travel information. Please mail us your travel plans by the end of May. We will schedule vans accordingly. In the past, shuttles have run from about noon to about 10 or 11 pm when the last planes arrive in Bangor.
What's the earliest we can leave on Saturday morning?
Be kind to the van drivers! We will have shuttle van rides, and will have signup sheets available during the conference. The drive from Bar Harbor to Bangor takes up to 1 1/2 hours, and you should be at the airport an hour in advance of your flight. Though planes leave Bangor International Airport starting at 5 AM, we doubt that shuttles will leave Bar Harbor at 2.30 AM (unless you really beg one of the drivers). Probably, the first van will leave to allow a 6 AM departure time. Be nice to that shuttle driver!
Will this conference have a proceedings?
Answer 1: No. To encourage open communication, presentations at this meeting are regarded as private communications from the individuals making the contributions and are not for public use. Presenters are encouraged to voluntarily publicize their own work if they so choose.
Answer 2: Yes. In the past, we have arranged to produce a set of articles for the APS Forum on Education newsletter in the spring following the conference. Details of this arrangement will be worked out and announced at the conference.
What about internet access at the conference?
Of course. (If you attended when the conference was young, you will recognize this as a non-trivial answer.)
What do people typically wear?
This is a relatively informal meeting, so shorts and sandals and comfortable dresses are common. Short sleeves are the norm, though nights can get cool if there's a strong sea wind. What Mainers consider to be normal and relatively warm June weather might strike others as slightly chilly. Check the weather before you pack.
Another answer to this question can be had by looking at photos from past years like when looking at photos from 2017 or previous years.
Finally, please keep in mind that the sunset cruise can be QUITE chilly. Bring a jacket, be sure to wear long sleeves, and perhaps a hat and gloves aren't out of the question. Let's call it "brisk." Again, photos from previous conferences provide suggestions.
My question isn't answered on this page. What do I do?
Contact Michael Wittmann by clicking here to send an email.
Past meetings!
Were you actually looking for something from past conferences? Check out the footer on any page for links to past meetings, or the photos from 2017 or previous years for what we looked like back then.