
There are frequent questions why I do this for free. Others ask why they don't get paid for getting photos of them taken.

For years photography either digital or analog is an important hobby for me. I won prizes for my architecture and landscape photographs. Then I started to take photos of persons too. Doing so, friends came and asked for a shooting. I love to set men into the right light.

While playing with light and shade, the way is the goal. My intention isn't collecting photographs or following commercial interests. The taken photographs are exclusively intended for the models. The photos are valuable for the models. Many of the models come frequently onto the front of my camera in order to document their personal development or just a new haircut or a new outfit. There are others coming shortly before Christmas, in order to get a present for a friend. There are so many reasons for a model to ask for a shooting...

My motive is the fun at the joy with my hobby, the work with humans.