Gallery - Birds

For Galala

This rather glamourous Egyptian Vulture is based on a photo by the super-talented David Tipling.

It is Lot 3 in the Global Birdfair Auction to raise funds for the 2024 Birdlife International project supporting Galala Bird Observatory in Egypt. 

I will be in the Puffin Marquee at Global Birdfair from 12-14 July

Original Felt
33cm x 40cm

Reserve is £150

Bog Reflections

This picture was etched in my mind after seeing one of my very favourite birds with its bright white breast looking perfect by the Pennine cotton grass and both reflected darkly in the bog pool.

Original felt 36cm x 42cm


Little owls are always a delight out on the fen fields. I love their grumpy little faces and some years get lucky to see owlets too. 

Original felt  32cm x 31cm

Pasques and Kites

Any one who has visited Barnack Holes and Hills in April will recognise this combo.

Original felt 26cm x 38cm

Harrier Incoming

March at Far Ings is alive with Marsh Harriers quartering and dropping into the reedbeds not yet greened with new growth.  

Original felt 55cm x23cm

Spring Creeper

Fresh birch leaves and silvered bark are a perfect setting for a Spring Treecreeper.

Original felt  23cm x31cm


This portrait of a Barny leaving her nest hole was inspired by a photo by the talented Sue Cross. Thank you! Lots of texture in that bark.

Original felt 42cm x 43cm

Whooper Stretches

Seeing close up Whooper Swans was the main reason to visit Martin Mere in Feb: elegant and serene in the distance but soooo noisy! Like so many birds, quite teh shape shifters

Original felt 64cm x 32cm

March Marshside Godwits 

This was a late bit of sun on a February afternoon at RSPB Marshside  - where the lagoons were packed with Black Tailed Godwits.

Original felt 33cm x 43cm

Little Lights 

One of my favourite things is seeing winter hedges full of Yellow Hammers illuminated in the low afternoon sun.

Original felt 34cm x 42cm

Curlew Doodle 

February in the Forest of Bowland with wet fields spilling with Curlew inspired this rather retro and highly textured celebration.

I am struggling to show subtle colours but FYI this lower image was taken against white mountboard which still looks blue :(

Original felt  51cm x34cm

On the Hornet 

I cannot remember how many felts garden Blackbirds have inspired - but this is not the first to be in combo with the Golden Hornet Crab Apple 

Original felt 33cm x 32cm

Golden Roosters

Just a small group from the many thousands of lapwings roosting on the wet grasslands of RSPB Frampton Marsh. With plenty of gleam and glitter.

Original felt 32cm x 52cm

Battling Blackbirds

Our February garden is a wr zone with several pairs of Blackbirds raw in beak and claw!

Original felt 35cm x 34cm


Ping ping ping they go in the beds of Far Ings  - Bearded Reddlings at their most iconic.

Original felt 24cm x 55cm

Summer Uplands 

I think it is where I might choose to nest! Golden Plover in their spotty loveliness

Original felt 37cm x 35cm

Ripple Chick

We spent a stunning evening at Rutland Water watching attentive parents on the relentless search for food for their three stripey grebelings

Original felt 55cm x 37cm

Midwinter Fisher 

Always a joy to spy a Kingfisher against washed out winter vegetation.

Original felt 24cm x 54cm

Because I said so

I love junior starlings with the start of their grown up spots. These two having a normal starling conversation in the back garden

Original felt 34cm x 32cm

Autumn Glory

Just before Christmas we were delighted to have a pair of Brambling visit our garden feeders - as far as we know, the first time.

Original felt 34cm x 34cm

Spring Tawny

Inspired by a lovely photo taken by Stephen Williams in a Sheffield Wood.  A Tawny adorned with tweed and chiffon

Original felt 37cm x 45cm


Rutland Egret

How statuesque is a Great White Egret wading through the summer shallows of Rutland Water!  With gleam in the watery fibres.

Original felt 34cm x 43cm


Never too Soon

More Avocets, this time at Frampton where in early June, there are many many avocet chicks finding it is 'never too soon' to be practising your reflection! 

Original felt 44cm x 35cm

£270 framed in white and pale wood frame.
Outer measurement 57cm x 43cm
Please contact me for framed image

See You SEO

Inspired by a lovely photo of a Short Eared Owl by Paul Bennett . I have chosen a background of a summer saltmarsh a that is where I have had my own best views - albeit not with one obligingly landing on a post.

Original felt 32cm x 38cm


Winter Siskins

Such pretty twitterers getting stuck into the Alder catkins down by our nearby farm reservoir.

Original felt 39cm x 37cm


The Monochrome Set

More Avocets in Snettisham. Wisely wading in the sheltered water of the Lake on a wild and windy day  

Original felt 49cm x 35cm


Golden Boy!

Well this Goldeneye duck is considering the drake in oh so many ways! Just lovely to see him throwing some shapes in the phragmites reflections At Far Ings.

Original felt 56cm x 38cm


Little Dipper

Always a joy to spot the bright white of a Dipper's breast on a riverside walk.  My last spot was on the Bradford below Youlgrave but universally lovely.

Original felt
31cm x 22cm

Wren on Guelder Buds

Sometimes the simplest scenes are magical. Wren hopping along the hedge and this is the moment I captured

Original felt 23cm x 30cm
£130 ( in A4 Wooden Frame)

Berry Beauty

My own views of Waxwings have been transient and occasional. My thanks go to Les Parks for a brilliant photo shared online and which was just too good to miss. 

Original felt 47cm x 31cm


Funky Coot

I am always drawn to Coots with their super smart plumage and fabulous feet. This one looking rather retro on Autumn reflections at Clumber.

Original felt 33cm x 25cm



Doing what Woodpeckers do - always a delight in the garden   -  liking the ancient elder and apple trees

Original felt 23cm x 30cm


House Guests

Well we live in a house adorned with Housemartins every summer -otherwise known as the blac and white flying fish!

Original felt 37cm x 33cm


Salen Sunset

The old pier at Salen in Mull is always adorned with cormorants, gulls and herons in changing combinations.

Original felt 35cm x41cm



My one and only sighting of Bluethroats was in the pale dawn at El Rocio lagoon

Original felt 32cm x23cm


Spring Greens

Greenfinches on the early shoots of my Gloire de Hollande Rose in early Spring - just such a lovely colour combo - i couldnt resist. 

Original felt 35cm x33cm


Sunny Stork

La Dehesa de Abajo in Donana National Park has many very decorative White Storks: this one rather superior on his magnificent sundrenched nest. 

Original felt 37cm x 42cm



A snooze along the Grantham Canal: Mute swan living up to its name

Original felt shown here in 30cmx30cm mount. Now in white frame too.


Spring Sparrows

Our privet hedge is beloved of so-oo many sparrows. They zoom out and perch on the old fennel stems and zoom back again.  

Original felt 27cm x 34cm


Blue-winged Bandits

In Andalusia we saw dozens of these splendid Azure Winged magpies but they rarely stuck around. This group had found an abandoned bread roll! 

Original felt 58cm x 42cm



Right outside the kitchen window is a pond well used by all our garden birds.

I decided it was time to feature the beautiful subtle browns and tawnys of the female

front and central.

Original felt 28cm x33cm
