College of Isis

Fellowship of Isis Devotional and Teaching Centers

To view information about the functions and training offered within Iseums and Lyceums, please click on the links below:


(For all FOI members, whether solitary or working as a group)

Iseums, Hearths of the Goddess

Flamma Vestae (Admission into an Iseum)

Adepti Spiral of Degrees

(For those who wish to serve but do not feel the call to Priest/esshood.)

Spiral of the Adepti

Consecration of an Adept

Original Announcement of Adepti Degrees (by Olivia Robertson)

Star of Ishtar - Adepti Ritual Correspondences

Star of Ishtar Diagram (in full color with notes by Olivia Robertson)

Lyceums (Magi Degrees)

(Provides a structured course of study focused on the Magi Degree System of rites)

Lyceums, the College of Isis

Original College of Isis Manual (by Olivia Robertson, 1992)

The Hierophant of the College of Isis (by Olivia Robertson)

Coursework Guidelines for a Magi Degree Course (by Olivia Robertson)

Guide to the Magi Degree Rites

Star of Ishtar - Magi Ritual Correspondences

Flamma Vestae (Admission into a Lyceum)

Flamma Sacerdotae (Consecration of a Hierophant)

Star of Ishtar - College of Isis Manual

Star of Ishtar Diagram (in full color with notes by Olivia Robertson)

Solar Alchemy

(Further study for FOI Priestess/Priesthood after ordination)

Solar Iseums of Alchemy

Flamma Vestae (Admission into a Solar Iseum of Alchemy)

Original Announcement of Solar Alchemy Degrees (by Olivia Robertson)

Consecration of a Priest/Priestess Solar Alchemist

Star of Ishtar - Alchemy Ritual Correspondences, Spiral 1 and 2

Isis of Alchemy - Star of Ishtar (with explanatory note by Olivia Robertson)

Star of Ishtar Diagram (in full color with notes by Olivia Robertson)

General Information

Attainment of a Degree in the College of Isis (with a note by Olivia Robertson

General Coursework Guidelines (for Iseums and Lyceums)

Training of Priestesses and Priests

Sample Rite: Adaptation of "Ordination of Priestesses and Priests" for Attunement

House of Life (Optional, available for all FOI Iseums and Lyceums)

Important Announcement About College of Isis Coursework

Difference Between Iseums and Lyceums

The Star of Ishtar (in full color with notes by Olivia Robertson)

Fellowship of Isis Glossary


The College of Isis and First Lyceums (1986)

Overview: The FOI in the Southeastern United States (1986 - Present)

The Alchemy of Isis (by Caroline Wise) (1993)

Tenth Anniversary of the College of Isis (1996)

Tara Hedge College - FOI Germany (1997 - Present)

Twenty-first Anniversary of the First FOI Iseum (1998)

Midsummer Alchemical Wedding (2004)

Creation of the Fellowship of Isis Liturgy

The Star of Ishtar Diagram and Chinese Inner Alchemy Part I (2006)

The Star of Ishtar Diagram and Chinese Inner Alchemy Part II (2006)

The Star of Ishtar Diagram and Chinese Inner Alchemy Part III (2006)

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