Friday 10th July - Mississippi 7-card Stud Tournament
Post date: Jul 10, 2015 4:24:46 PM
This week's game on 10th July will be the club's first ever Mississippi 7-card Stud Tournament.
Mississippi 7-card Stud is essentially a combination of 7-card Stud and Texas Hold 'Em.
The rules of the game are as follows:-
Before each hand is dealt each player puts in an ante. This will go up as the tournament progresses.
Each player is dealt two cards face down (hole cards) and one card face up.
The player with the highest card has the option of raising or folding, but cannot check.
If two players have the same value card face up the player to the left of the dealer acts first.
If the player with the highest card raises, the other players act clockwise by re-raising, calling, or folding.
If the player with the highest card folds the players act clockwise by raising, checking, or folding as normal.
Once the betting has been completed each player remaining in the hand is dealt two more cards face up.
The player with the best hand showing now has the option to check or raise and betting continues as normal.
Once the betting has been completed each player remaining in the hand is dealt one more card face up.
The player with the best hand showing now has the option to check or raise and betting continues as normal.
Once the betting has been completed each player remaining in the hand is dealt one final card face up.
Each player now has two hole cards and their own five cards face up, there are no community cards as in Texas Hold 'Em.
The other main difference to Texas Hold 'Em is that a lot more cards are exposed, so you may see that the cards you are waiting for are already in play or have already been folded, and are therefore unattainable.
The final round of betting then takes place as per previous rounds with the highest hand comprising five of each players seven cards taking the pot.
It's a fairly simple game and once we start playing it should be easy to play, as with previous games we have played such as pineapple or crazy pineapple.
So come along for a fun night of poker before the serious business of the new league starts next week!
£15 buy in plus £1 rake.