Changes resulting from 2018 AGM
1. The Poker Club will run a £500 free roll on Sunday 6th January 2019. All players that play a minimum of 10 games during the 2017 League 2 season of 20 games will be eligible to enter the free roll.
2. The entry fee for Friday League games will go up to £20 per person. This will comprise of £16 to that evening's prize pool, £2 towards the end of season final, £1 club rake and £1 towards the new Royal Flushpot.
3. The Royal Flushpot will be a rolling cash prize awarded to any player who gets a Royal Flush during a League game or a League final. The Royal Flush must be attained while the hand is still live and must be shown, and witnessed by a committee member, upon the player winning the hand. The Poker Club will put £50 into the Royal Flushpot at the start of the season, thereafter £50 of each winning Flushpot will go towards starting the next Flushpot. Once a Flushpot has been won the next one will start in the following League game. Only members of The Poker Club are eligible to win the Royal Flushpot.
4. Commencing from 2018 League 2 the winner of the each League will also win a free £28 buy in to the next Felixstowe Poker Open.
5. The entry fee for Sunday evening games will go up to £20 per person. This will comprise of £19 to that evening's prize pool and £1 club rake.
6. The minimum buy in to any Poker Club cash game will be £10. The blinds in all cash games will be changed to 50p for small and big blinds.