
Political Centralization and Government Accountability. 2016. Quarterly Journal of Economics, with Amedeo Piolatto and Giacomo Ponzetto.

Congestion and Incentives in the Age of Driverless Fleets. 2023. Journal of Urban Economics, with Alessandro Fedele and Alberto Iozzi

Drought Reliefs and Partisanship. 2023. Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, with Amedeo Piolatto, Francisco Cavalcanti and Christian Fons-Rosen

Voters' Information, Corruption, and the Efficiency of Local Public Services. 2018. Sustainability with Graziano Abrate, Fabrizio Erbetta and Davide Vannoni.

Patenting Patterns in the Tourism Industry: Evidence from Italy. 2018. International Journal of Tourism Research, with Marianna Succurro.

Investment in Renewables under Uncertainty: Fitting a Feed-in Scheme into ETS. 2016. Energy Journal, with Stefano Clò and Alessio D’Amato.

Strategic Investment in Merchant Transmission: the Impact of Capacity Utilization Rules. 2015. Energy Policy, with Viswanath Pingali and Francesca Sala.

Internet and Seasonality: a Theoretical and Empirical Analysis on Vertically Differentiated Accommodation Structures. 2013. Tourism Economics, with Marianna Succurro.

The Impact of Search Cost Reduction on Seasonality. 2012. Annals of Tourism Research, with Marianna Succurro.

Bottleneck Co-ownership as a Regulatory Alternative. 2012. The Journal of Regulatory Economics, with John Panzar.

Entry and Collusion after Market Opening. 2012. Theoretical Economic Letters, with Davide Vannoni.

New Forms of Government Interventions in the Era of Global Imbalances”. 2011. European Review of Industrial Economics and Policy, with Giovanni Zanetti

Increasing Market Interconnection: an Analysis of the Italian Electricity Spot Market. 2010. The International Journal of Industrial Organization, with Viswanath Pingali and Davide Vannoni.

Fragmented Ownership and Second Homes in Tourism Resorts.  2010.  Anatolia: an International Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Research, with Juan Gabriel Brida.

An Anti-Competitive Effect of Eliminating Transport Barriers in Network Markets. 2009. The Review of Industrial Organization, with Carlo Scarpa.