
With my colleague Oihana Garaialde Ocaña, we are writing the book "Aljebra Lineala eta Geometria I", in Basque, aimed at first year students of Mathematics, Phisics, and Electronical Engineering. 

Here a first draft!


During the 2022/23 academic year Iwill teach "Commutative Algebra" (Mathematics, 3rd year, in Spanish), "Linear Algebra and Geometry I" (Physics and Electronic Engineering, 1st year, in Basque), "Mathematics I" (Geology and Chemical Ingeniering, 1st year, in Basque).


During the 2022/23 academic year I taught "Commutative Algebra" (Mathematics, 3rd year, in Spanish), "Linear Algebra and Geometry I" (Mathematics, 1st year, in Spanish), "Mathematics I" (Geology and Chemical Ingeniering, 1st year, in Spanish), and "Mathematics" (Biosciences, 1st year, in Spanish).


During the 2021/22 academic year, I taught "Commutative Algebra" (Mathematics, 3rd year, in Spanish), "Lineal Algebra and Geometry I" (Mathematics, 1st year, in Basque), and "Mathematics I" (Chemistry, 1st year, in Basque).


In the winter semester 2018/19 I taught "Groups and Representations" at UPV/EHU, Master level.


In the summer semester 2018 I taught "Algebraic Geometry" at UPV/EHU, a class in the fourth year of the "Grado de Matemáticas" (Bachelor in Mathematics, 4 years).

Bachelor theses (co-)supervised