Location Features

Coordinates (6 papers)

Y. Sheikh, M. Shah, Bayesian Object Detection in Dynamic Scenes, IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, CVPR 2005, June 2005.

Y. Sheikh, M. Shah, Bayesian Modeling of Dynamic Scenes for Object Detection, IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, PAMI 2005, Volume 27, No. 11, pages 1178-1792, November 2005.

M. Narayana, A. Hanson, E. Learned-Miller, "Background Modeling using Adaptive Pixelwise Kernel Variances in a Hybrid Feature Space", International Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, CVPR 2012, 2012.

M. Narayana, A. Hanson, E. Learned-Miller, "Improvements in Joint Domain-Range Modeling for Background Subtraction", BMVC 2012, 2012.

M. Narayana, E. Learned-Miller, A. Hanson, "Background subtraction - separating the modeling and the inference", Machine Vision and Applications, 2014.

B. Antic, V. Crnojevic, "Joint Domain-Range Modeling of Dynamic Scenes with Adaptive Kernel Bandwidth", Advanced Concepts for Intelligent Vision Systems, ACVIS 2007, pages 777-788, 2007.

Invariant Moments (1 paper)

R. Marie, A. Potelle, E. Mouaddib, "Dynamic background subtraction using moments", IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, ICIP 2011, Volume 20, No. 4, pages 2369-2372, 2011.