
FDNY - Fire Department of New York City

Best sources of FDNY info - 9/22/2018

1. see the fdny article at Wikipedia - it is a great overview of the agency

2. see the fdny website

3. Google for "FDNY" and any term you are interested in

4. hunt around at this webpage


This webpage

A. see info below

B. see info to left

C. clowns to the left of me, jokers to the right, here I am - (real old song - sorry)



https://drive.google.com/open?id=1xAGa8G0_c_Gna2UVglMOddXcHbs&usp=sharing - Zerg90 map of fire stations in Queens - created Nov 6 2016 - [June 1 2018 added Squad 288]

https://drive.google.com/open?id=17D6jAhnTE_Zh-mUARr4ZTRVIeWU&usp=sharing - Zerg90 map of fire stations in Bronx - created Nov 6 2016 - [added to FDNY article at Wikipedia Sept 22 2018]

https://drive.google.com/open?id=16q6pKzxSydoHO32H9jK8GnsVHJw&usp=sharing - Zerg90 map of fire stations in Brooklyn - created Aug 29 2016

https://drive.google.com/open?id=1eHRd-Vkxg7beAoEFOgMH5GVAUB0&usp=sharing - Zerg90 map of fire stations in Manhattan - created Aug 27 2016 - [added to FDNY article at Wikipedia Sept 20 2018 ish]

https://drive.google.com/open?id=1XwPKcQHlMQ_N6q6UyGJfQHm4BLE&usp=sharing - Zerg90 map of fire stations on Staten Island - created Nov 6 2016


https://www.google.com/maps/d/u/0/viewer?mid=1oJIi2haYZVnu2PS1lfU0hBH1TXA&ll=40.59724349867253%2C-74.10798168695982&z=12 - fire stations map - added 6/1/2018

http://www.carolinasfirepage.com/fr_template05.htm - fire stations map - added 6/1/2018

Radio Ref wikis have lists of FDNY units - plus private ambs - 5/25/2017 - I should compare to the maps to see if the info matches - some day


5 December 2015 - per NYCfire.net March 2015 - FDNY engines are staffed with 1 officer and 4 firefighters (privates) for a total of 5 people on each Engine - FDNY Ladders, Rescues, Squads, and Haz Mat Engines are staffed with 1 officer and 5 firefighters each for a total of 6 people per vehicle - HazMat 1 is staffed by 1 officer and 7 firefighters - (there might be some outlying sections of the city where the engines are staffed by 1 officer and 3 fire fighters - that might be called "roster manning")

10 Oct 2012 - looking at the Fire Statistics page at the FDNY website - average 4 minute response time (call receipt to arrival) for fire units - 5 minutes for ambulances to Category 1 calls (cardiac arrest and choking) - 2:1 ratio between BLS ambulances and ALS ambulances - daily average of 630 BLS ambulance tours (8 hours = 1 tour) plus 360 ALS ambulance tours - (typically 2 crew members per ambulance AFAIK) - unknown how many died on fires - unknown save rate for EMS - unknown number of fire rescues made

Questions - can 30 seconds be saved on calltaking (via improved procedures possibly) - can 30 seconds be saved on turnout times (via sleeping on apparatus floor or having smaller crews or having roving patrols) - can 30 seconds be saved on travel times (by better control of traffic lights)


Links to Various Websites & webpages with Info about FDNY

https://www.fdnytrucks.com - extensive pictures of FDNY vehicles - 9/22/2018

http://nycfire.net/fdny/citywide_locations - fdny fire stations map - [URL no good 6/1/2018]

http://nycfire.net/forums/index.php/topic,38829.0.html - FDNY unit numbering - historical info

http://nycfire.net/forums/index.php/topic,38153.0.html- "field comm batallion" chief

http://nycfire.net/forums/index.php/topic,38999.15.html - FDNY fast units + BFD mayday video

http://nycfire.net/forums/index.php/topic,36555.0.html - FDNY brushfire units - bad info somewhere

http://nycfire.net/forums/index.php/topic,2748.0.html - FDNY CAD designations for special units or functions

http://nycfire.net/forums/index.php/topic,11202.30.html - some radio Talk Group info for FDNY

http://nycfire.net/forums/index.php/topic,3277.15.html - updated info on FDNY dispatch offices

https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20100125153018AAJXFrH - fdny ems tours

http://www.thebravest.com - multiple FDNY scanner feeds & there are also links to maps, box lookups, etc

http://www.nyc.gov/html/fdny/html/home2.shtml - FDNY official website

http://twitter.com/#!/theBravest - News alerts - they cover the entire world

http://www.youtube.com/user/yourFDNY - FDNY YouTube page started April 2010

http://www.mapbuilder.net/users/fdnyfish - maps of police stations, fire stations, ambulance stations, and receiving hospitals

https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AoX8tpb0l73sdHFVX3FKOFBaWV9QdUdJVU82U3kwemc&usp=drive_web#gid=0 - Bronx box list with first alarm assignments

http://www.radioreference.com/apps/audio/?feedId=6297 - EMS Citywide 1 - live scanner audio - Oct 7 2010

http://www.radioreference.com/apps/audio/?feedId=7392 - Brooklyn FDNY feed - new Jan 26 2011

http://www.thebravest.com/General_Information/FDNYEMS10Codes.htm - FDNY EMS Radio Codes

http://nycfire.net/forums/index.php - great bulletin board with lots of info - dont miss the FAQs

http://www.nyfd.com/ - Unofficial website for FDNY

http://www.fdnyems.com/maps/ems.html - map of FDNY EMS stations

http://forums.radioreference.com/new-york-radio-discussion-forum/155522-ambulances-nyc-besides-fdny-volunteer.html - info about FDNY EMS vs voluntary vs volunteer ambulances - and their dispatch procedures

http://www.alf700.com/fdny1.htm - FDNY photos - photos of some stations are included

http://www.council.nyc.gov/html/budget/PDFs/fire_exec_rpt_fy_2011.pdf - June 4 2010 - FDNY budget overview - lots of very interesting info here

http://amfix.blogs.cnn.com/2009/07/09/fdnys-newest-training-tool-high-rise-similator/ - FDNY highrise fire simulator building - cool

http://www.nysvara.org/news/2010/jan/100104b.pdf - flu transport protocol - Portable Channel 10 is the Fire/EMS coord channel - might be Ch 16 in some portables used by voluntary ambs - might be labeled as "EMS Tac 2"

http://www.youngstownfire.com/forums/index.php/topic,2815.0.html - photos of rigs - this website has another thread about New Ladder & Rescues

http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20100125153018AAJXFrH - FDNY EMS works 8 hour tours - 5 days on - 2 days off - 5 days on - 3 days off