USA 1 lands safe and easy
Post date: Sep 21, 2016 11:59:20 AM
Here's the report from Peter on landing..
Great screen of landing site, except that field was plowed when we landed, not growing crops. Chase truck was able to drive right in. Stand-up landing at about3mph. Packup finished just before dark. Local onlooker who was a taxidriver helped with pack up and got us to a hotel. He was also was a amateur radio guy and had been following our APRS tracking signal, so he knew who we were before he talked to us! Kids also came to landing site and we got some great photos!
Reasons for landings: Had some issues with borrowed avionics which we patched in flight and were short on O2 and had not enjoyed the temps overnight on Mon night. Decided we couldn’t pass up this great valley for a landing.