SJC Sit In

Script for Sit In Reenactment on Sept. 26, 2018

2018-2019 One Book One Community Book, MARCH


         VIDEO on SCREEN:

            Protest Song Woke up this Morning with My Mind on Freedom  (2.39 min)


VIDEO on SCREEN:  Rev. Lawson Interview (3:18 min)  - Lunch Counter Sit-In during Civil Rights Movement                            

1.   Introduction by Danielle:

Sit-Ins were peaceful protests used by the Students for Nonviolent Coordination Committee to counter the long existing inequality and prejudice that was considered normal practice, especially in the South.

Today we are going to reenact the bravery of the young college and high school students, who took a stand for their civil rights. At Woolworth Lunch counters in the South, Black college students sat at the counter designated WHITES ONLY. Through their courage and peaceful activism, they were able to create a momentum of change that would contribute to the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

In Mary’s Kitchen today we have a Woolworth counter set up to recognize the bravery of these college students. You now have the opportunity to be trained by the STUDENT NONVIOLENT COORDINATING COMMITTEE (SNCC) & Sister McCants is our trainer today.

Those joining in peaceful sit-ins at Woolworth lunch counters, buses, or other public places need to be trained by this committee to rehearse their actions and practice nonviolence. This is a requirement for your own safety and protection.

From the sign-in lists we have many interested participants for training today. We appreciate your willingness to take a stand along with others in the SNCC given the dangers involved for peaceful change.


2.    Danielle calls names of SNCC Volunteers (from clipboards)


        VIDEO on SCREEN: 

                Background footage of the Greensboro, N.C. Sit Ins

                         SNCC History (Activist Diane Nash)

    ·       Sit-Ins started in Greensboro, North Carolina (1:55 min)

    ·       John Lewis: The Nashville Sit Ins  (PBS)  (3:36 min)


3. Diane leads SNCC participants through brief workshop/training session


4. Conclude with Interview with Trevor Noah and John Lewis about book, March (.30 min) 


      VIDEO on SCREEN:           

           Protest Song: Ain't Gonna Let Nobody Turn Me Round (4.07 min) (Rocinante Students lead song-Stephen Clarke)