
TFT:Apocalypse is set in the world of the future, after a nuclear and biological devastation has wiped out the vast majority of the world. One thousand years later the survivors still cling to survival in small areas, protected from the disaster. But now a greater threat has become an issue, beings from an alternate plane have begun crossing over the weakened barriers between the dimensions. To counter this a survivor group, calling themselves the Keepers, have moved out of their hidden enclaves and have begun teaching survivor communities the skills needed to counter the invaders.

So, its magic and fantasy in a technological setting, what more can you ask for. The technology level is however post apocalypse survival level - very poor, no manufacturing, no easy repairs, hand downs from long ago...

Instead of Magic, it will be Psionic powers, taught to the chosen by the Keepers (along with some drugs to take). The original rules that magic is powered off ST will apply, but ST batteries will be reasonably common. Class differences (double costs) are done away with as everyone is classless and able to develop in their chosen fields. Spells are converted into more psionic related manifestations - a fairly hefty re-write required here - making them more personal, less area effects options. Armour and weapons become patchwork and locations effects of damage will be applied.

The basic drive of the campaign will be one of re-uniting the dispersed survivor colonies, defeating the invaders and generally exploring the unknown world.

Campaign Play.

As noted above the general story line is one where creatures from another dimension are being brought into this world by powers unknown, and attempting to sieze control. The world they come from was destroyed long ago by a similar disaster, but rather then recover they succumbed and embraced their dark sides. In many ways they will be seen as demons, with their leaders as Fallen Angels, their dimension as Hell.

But their are advantages to be used from their dimension, a twisted world where distance and time are not consistent. Players will be able to use this to find paths, shortening their travel times considerably, but at the risk of encountering beings on the other side.

The Keepers will provide assistance where they can, both in biological and technological (magic) means. They can train the players in skills, talents and powers. They can provide some equipment, and repair others. They can provide dimensional shields that will restore the barriers between the worlds preventing the demons from crossing in those locations. With these shields they will secure the various lost colonies of the humans to some degree, at least preventing a direct attack into their lands.

Mutants, not elves.

Humanity has not survived the apocalypse completely unscathed. Mutations and abnormalities are common and after so much time many of them are now fairly stable. Mutations allow characters to build equivalents to the various fantasy races normally used, but they are essentially still humans with different parameters.