Wu-Xia Shadow Rate

Please cite as follows:

Shadow Rate for the US

The shadow rate can be downloaded in Matlab format and Excel format. (First column: January 1990 to Apirl 2022. Second column: shadow rate computed using the method from Wu and Xia (JMCB, 2016).

Shadow Rate for the EA

The shadow rate for the EA can be downloaded in Matlab format and Excel format. (First column: January 1990 to April 2021. Second column: shadow rate computed using the method from Wu and Xia (2017).

Shadow Rate for the UK

The shadow rate for the UK can be downloaded in Matlab format and Excel format. (First column: January 1990 to April 2021. Second column: shadow rate computed using the method from Wu and Xia (JMCB, 2016) and and Wu and Xia (2017).