Part 2 Doris Never Can Say Goodbye

Doris sits alone in the make up room. As she looks around random memories pop into her head of events that had taken place in the room over the last 4 years. All the shows they’d performed. The ones that went well and the ones that didn’t go quite to plan like when Morloch whistled backstage and everything went wrong and the time the students were setting and marking their own English papers and Chris cheating meant everyone nearly flunked out of the show.

Doris smiles and realises that any shows she performs in the future won’t take place at this school but somewhere strange and new to her. Her body shivers at the thought of the unknown.

She thinks back to the last time she’d felt like this which was actually the first time she stepped foot into the School. It was for her audition and she was so nervous that she felt sick to her stomach. Things weren't helped by her Mother, who had insisted on accompanying her to the audition, being really hyper with nerves and excitement. She’d found her Mothers constant fussing very irritating.

Doris and her Mother sat on a long bench outside one of the classrooms waiting to be called to audition. It seemed like an eternity and everywhere people were rushing around school in a hive of activity. The people were being organised or supposedly organised by a white haired older lady who seemed to be making things worse rather than keeping things running smoothly.

The longer Doris sat there the worse she began to feel. Everyone around her seemed to be thinner, better looking, more confident and more talented. She began to convince herself that it was a waste of time even auditioning because she could never compete with these people and was never going to get into this school.

On the other side of the hallway she noticed 2 girls standing together chatting, who later she would come to know as Coco and Michelle. Coco was talking excitedly about the new outfit she’d bought specially for her audition.

Coco: “It’s important to look good, as they need to know you’re taking this school

seriously, they don't just let anyone in you know?"

Doris looked at her own clothes and again felt inadequate and out of place. Her Mother had picked out lemon coloured dress with frilly long skirts that Doris had already nearly tripped over in and she had a matching ribbon in her hair. She signed and wished she had stood up to her Mother and chosen her own outfit.

Michelle was still nodding as Coco continued talking:

Coco: “After here I’ve got a meeting with an agent. It’s so important to have representation

you know. The teachers here and anyone you audition for take you so much more

seriously if you have representation. They think you are more professional….”

As Coco keeps talking Doris begins to worry about not having an agent and not even really knowing what an agent does or how she could possibly get one. She turns to her Mother:

Doris: “I think we should go home.”

Mrs Schwartz: “What are you talking about Doris, you haven’t auditioned yet.”

Doris: “I know I haven’t auditioned but what’s the point, I’m too fat, I look hideously in this

dress, I don’t belong here and I don’t even have an agent. How is anyone going to take

me seriously?”

Mrs Schwartz: “Doris Rene Schwartz, now stop this silly nonsense and listen to your mother

for once. You are talented, you have a wonderful singing voice, the best

I’ve ever heard..”

Doris interrupts: “But you’re my Mother it’s your job to say things like that. No one else

thinks I’m a good singer or a good actress or good at anything.

Angela Schwartz looks at her daughter sternly: “Now stop this I tell you, you’re just letting your nerves get the better of you.”

At that moment they are interrupted by the older white haired lady calling out Doris’ name.

Mrs Berg: “Doris Schwartz”

Mrs Schwartz: “Come on honey, it’s your turn. Now remember smile, hold your head up

straight and speak clearly."

Doris stood up and walked silently and nervously into the room. There was a small stage just a few feet in front of her and a kindly white haired older gentleman indicated to her to go to the stage.

Doris was convinced that the teachers could see her trembling as she walked, which made her feel even more nervous. She could feel the teachers’ eyes watching her every movement and she didn’t want to make eye contact. Instead her eyes darted around the room trying to process everything she was seeing. Unfortunately this meant she wasn’t actually looking where she was going and tripped on the steps to the stage, almost falling back down again on to the floor below. The teachers let out a gasp, concerned that the young girl would fall and hurt herself but some how Doris managed to stay on her feet and no harm was done. The incident just left Doris feeling even more shaken.

She stopped in the centre of the stage and looked at the 3 teachers sat in front of her. It was Lydia, Shorofsky and Crandall although she didn't know who they were at the time.

Lydia: "Hello Miss, erm, Schwartz can you tell us something

about yourself please?"

Doris' mind suddenly went blank and for a second she stood there feeling that she was being swallowed up by the awkward silence. Her face filled with colour and her mouth felt dry. Suddenly the room felt very hot and she thought she might even pass out.

Lydia: "It's okay dear, take a deep breath and just tell us

anything about yourself, so we can learn a little about


Again there was a short silence and Doris blurted out the first thing that came in to her mind.

Doris: "I'm an Agent! I'm mean I've got an Agent".

The teachers look puzzled and a smile crossed Crandall's face.

Doris kept on rambling "I mean I need an Agent!"

Shorofsky decides to save her.

Shorofsky: "That's very nice cookie but maybe you'd like to start

your audition before you get an agent. I think we'll

start with your vocal audition first."

Doris feels totally embarrassed and is convinced that she has blew the audition. She takes a deep breath and begins to sing “Rainy Days and Mondays”. A song that expressed how she'd been feeling growing up:

"Talkin' to myself and feeling old.

Sometimes I'd like to quit;

Nothing ever seems to fit;

Hangin' around, nothing to do but frown;

Rainy days and Mondays always get me down

What I've got they used to call the blues:

Nothin' is really wrong;

Feelin' like I don't belong;

Walkin' around, some kind of lonely clown;

Rainy days and Mondays always get me down

Funny, but it seems that I always wind up-a here with you;

Nice to know somebody loves me.

Funny, but it seems that it's the only thing to do:

Run and find the one who loves me.

What I feel is come and gone before:

No need to talk it out;

We know what it's all about.

Hangin' around, nothing to do but frown;

Rainy days and Mondays always get me down

Funny but it seems that it's the only thing to do,

Run and find the one who loves me

What I feel is come and gone before:

No need to talk it out;

We know what it's all about.

Hangin' around, nothing to do but frown;

Rainy days and Mondays always get me down

Hangin' around, nothing do to but frown;

Rainy days and Mondays always get me down."

It was little shaky at first but she soon relaxes into it. The 3 teachers discreetly exchange smiles of approval.

Doris comes back to reality thinking how much she’d changed since her audition and how she was now more confident and self assured. Well at least she was at this school. Maybe that’s why she didn’t want to leave. The thought of going out on her own made her feel like that scared kid at that first audition and she didn’t want to go back to be that person again.

At that moment she is startled by a noise as the door opens and Danny enters the room.

Danny: “What’s going on Doris? Holly said you were camping out in here.”

Doris shrugs: “I don’t know Danny. I just don’t want to leave yet.”

Danny: “Well you’ve got to leave sometime; you can’t just stay here forever you know?”

Doris nods: “I know Danny, but not just yet okay? Just a few more minutes and then I’ll

come with you."

Danny agrees: “Okay Ham, just a few more minutes then, the others are waiting for us”.

Doris smiles at her friend.

Doris: “You know Danny, I think I’m gonna miss you the most. You’re like a brother to me.”

Danny is puzzled by her comment.

Danny: “Hey, we’re still going to see each other and hang out, all the time. Were friends

aren’t we and friends don’t stop being friends just because ones going to a school

and the other isn’t."

Doris agrees: “I know but its different when people leave school they move on and things aren’t going to be the same."

Danny: “Things will never be different between us. I’m always here for you if you need me,

you know that don’t you?”

Doris smiles and she feels tears welling up to her eyes again.

Doris: “Thanks Danny. I guess I’m just feeling really emotional today”.

Danny moves towards her and putting his arms around her waste pulls her to him and gives her a big hug. After they have separated from each other Doris continues:

Doris “I know what you are saying but no matter how we try, things will be different won’t

they. I mean Montgomery left school and we’re still friends but we never see him

anymore. Julie got married and moved away. Then Bruno has moved to California and

we never see him. Coco is gone too. Yes she came back briefly this year but we hadn’t

seen her for over a year and it’ll probably just as long until we see her again.”

She pauses for a moment then continues:

Doris: “That’s what I mean about things changing Danny. People move on and it’s never the

same. I guess we all just grow up and I‘ve never been good with change and growing

up. Look at how down I got when Julie and Bruno left school and Bruno’s Dad died. I

didn’t want things to change but they did. Just like I don’t want things to change now

but I know they will have to.".

Danny: “I know what you mean and I miss those guys too but Montgomery went to live in

Chicago, Julie is in Texas, Bruno in California and Coco is always off on the road

somewhere. So it’s different. You and me, we are both here in New York City, so we

will be able to see each other all the time.”

Doris gives a weak smile. She knows her friend is just trying to make her feel better but deep down inside she knows that she is right and things will never be the same again and that scares her.

Doris: “You remember that time all those years ago that we got stuck in the elevator.”

Danny nods and smiles: “Yeah and you were scared.”

Doris tries to protest: “I was …”

However before she can finish she realises he’s just telling the truth.

Doris: “Okay, I was scared but we didn’t know each other that well back then and I didn’t

think you even liked me."

Danny: “Of course I liked you.”

Doris: “You know that was the real start to our friendship. Maybe without the power going out

and the elevator getting stuck we wouldn’t have ended up such good friends. So I

guess everything happens for a reason.”

Danny nods in agreement: “Yeah I guess it does. Like having to grow up, leave school and

move on. Who knows what wonderful things that could lead to.”

Doris nods too: “You’re right, but I still think you’re lucky. Lucky, that you get to stay in

school and not have to deal with graduating.”

Danny is puzzled and a little hurt but Doris’ words.

Danny: “Hey, You think I’m lucky? You think it was lucky getting cancer? You think I was

lucky that it meant I missed so much school last year and now have to stay on to

catch up with everything? You think it’s lucky that I can’t graduate with you and

Leroy and the others? Geez Doris, I don’t consider that lucky at all. I feel like I’m never

gonna leave this place!”

Doris realises what she’s said and feels guilty that her words came out so insensitively. She reaches out and squeezes his arm.

Doris: “I’m sorry, I wasn’t thinking about any of that. I was just thinking you’ll still be in

school and I won’t. But hey the reason why you are staying at school sucks and isn’t

lucky at all. Thinking of it like that, there’s no way I would want to change places with

you. I saw how hard that was for you and I’m not sure I’d be strong enough to deal with

it myself.”

Danny thinks for a moment.

Danny: “You’d be strong enough Doris. You always are whatever gets thrown at you. Family

problems, parents splitting up, boyfriends dying, Suicidal friends, you being mugged. You

always come through these things and are always stronger than before."

He pauses for a moment and there is silence.

Danny: "You know in some ways I am lucky. I’m lucky that I beat this damn disease and I’m

lucky that I had a friend like you to help me get through the tough times. I don’t think

I’m as strong as you when it comes to the emotional stuff, like my parents splitting up

and being ill. Hey if it wasn’t for you I may not even be here today.”

Doris: “Don’t talk like that.”

Danny: “Well it’s true, isn’t it? You were the one that made me see sense and to start having

the treatment and spoke to my Father. We were all just ignoring the problem hoping

it would go away. Things could have been different without you there.

Doris grabs hold of Danny and pulls him closer to hug him tightly.

Doris: “You know talking about your illness and talking to Holly about her anorexia makes

my problems seem totally insignificant. I shouldn’t be complaining about leaving

school when my friends have had to fight for their lives. I should be happy that I’ve

had a wonderful time at this school, met some wonderful people and made some

wonderful friends. I’ve grown into a stronger and happier person. I shouldn’t be

moping around feeling sorry for myself. I should be out celebrating and looking

forward to the future and getting on with my life.”

She grabs his hand and leads him to the door.

Doris: “Come on let’s get out of here, we’ve got a party to go to”.

Danny is a little taken back by the sudden movement but is relieved Doris is finally in a place to be able to let go.

A few minutes later Doris and Danny exit from the auditorium doors into the main lobby and hear voices and laughter coming from the corridor as they turn the corner they see Leroy and Holly. Holly notices them and says to Danny:

Holly: "I’m glad you managed to get her out of the dressing room. How did you do it?”

Danny shrugs and smiling at Doris says:

Danny: “It must be my natural charm.”

Leroy laughs and Danny throws him a questioning hurt look. Meanwhile Holly turns to Doris.

Holly: "Looks like you're not the only one who's been reminiscing as I found Leroy here

doing the same.”

Suddenly there is a voice behind her which makes her jump.

Jesse: "Us too!"

Jesse and Nicole approach from out of the cafeteria.

Jesse: “We’ve just been saying goodbye to Cleo and reminiscing about our time here too.”

Holly continues: "Well Schwartz it looks like this is it. Let’s get out of here and

go to that party."

At that point they hear gentle piano music coming from one of the classrooms. Someone is playing "Out Here On My Own".

Doris: "Shouldn't we see who that is?"

Danny: "Come on Doris stop delaying things. Whoever that is, is obviously

fine so let’s get out of this place. You've got to leave at some point,

so it may as well be now. Remember what you said in the dressing room.”

Holly is intrigued: “What did she say?”

No answer comes and instead Leroy turns to Doris.

Leroy: “Come on Doris, let’s go! I’m leaving this school the only way I know how. I’m

dancing out of here."

Leroy grabs Doris' hand and waltzes her around the lobby in time to the music. Doris smiles as the thoughts of the people she'd met at the school, dance around in her head.

Part way through Nicole starts to sing along to the music with Holly and Jesse joining in on the backing vocals.

"Sometimes I wonder where I've been

Who I am,

Do I fit in.

Make believin' is hard alone,

Out here on my own

We're always provin' who we are

Always reachin' for that risin' star

To guide me far

And shine me home

Out here on my own

And when I'm down and feelin' blue

I close my eyes so I can be with you

Oh, baby, be strong for me

Baby, belong to me

Help me through

Help me need you

Sometimes I wonder where I've been

Who I am

Do I fit in

I may not win

But I can't be thrown

Out here, On my own

Out here, On my own"

As the song comes to a close Leroy has waltzed Doris down the steps and out onto the street. Both stop and look back at the school and smile.

Danny and Jesse link arms with Holly and Nicole, as the four friends walk towards the exit following Leroy and Doris.

Danny jokes: "Thank goodness for that. I can't believe Schwartz has finally left the

building. Quick let’s get out of here before she turns around

and finds a reason to come back in!"

The four friends laugh as they leave the building prompting Doris to ask:

Doris: “What are you guys laughing at?"

Danny: “Nothing Schwartz now let’s get to that party."

Leroy and Danny each link one of their arms through Doris’ arms and all 6 friends walk off down the street towards Lou’s. Doris looks back over her shoulder one last time, savouring the view and then mouths the word “Goodbye” to her beloved School.

The END!