
Weekly Occurring

Preschool Story Time

Every Tuesday (following the school calendar) from 9:30–10:30am in the Fairfax Community Library. Children will hear a story, sing songs, and create a craft. Offered in conjunction with the Fairfax Community Library.

Community Playgroup

The first three Fridays of every month (following the school calendar) from 9:00–10:30 am at the United Church of Fairfax in the Sunday School Space. Children will enjoy free play, a craft, and a provided snack.

Monthly Occurring

PJ Story Time

First Thursday of every month from 6:00–7:00pm in the Fairfax Community Library. Children are invited to come in their pajamas to listen to a story, make a craft, and have a provided snack before bedtime. This activity opperates from October through June.

Seasonally Occurring

Open Tot Gym & Infant/Parent Play Time

During the winter months, every Saturday from 9:00–10:30 am in the BFA Fairfax Elementary School Gym. This activity begins in November and continues through March. It is a great outlet for our lively children during the colder months. Children enjoy free play activities including slides, jump ropes, and a rope swing as well as numerous other activities. There is an infant area with books, toys, and an infant tunnel set up on mats in one corner of the gym. At the end, we all come together for a directed parachute activity.

Stroller Strolling

Every Thursday from April through November at 9:30am and will meet in the Fairfax Community Park parking lot. This informal drop-in program is a way to meet other young families in town and walk on the Recreation Path together. There is no “leader” just a time to rendezvous with the “stroller crowd” in town! Offered in collaboration with the Fairfax Recreation Department.

Summer Community Playgroup

During the summer months, every Friday from 9:00–10:30 am at the Fairfax Community Playground. This is an informal gathering of families with young children during the summer.

Kindergarten Transition Playgroup

Two sessions in the summer (on one Wednesday in July and one Wednesday in August) from 9:00–11:00am in BFA Fairfax Elementary School, Kindergarten Classrooms. This is a very popular activity in which we introduce incoming Kindergartners to the school, the library, and their future classmates. Activities include play time, a brief circle, a story, snack, a tour of the school, and playground time. Parents may drop-off children or attend the playgroup.

If you would like to receive more information or have questions about the activities above, please contact us by email.


All activities are FREE and cater to children ages 6 and under!

Please refer to our Calendar for exact dates and times.