Threats from car traffic to the quality of urban life: Problems, causes, and solutions
Data de postagem: Jul 19, 2012 5:14:2 PM
Threats from car traffic to the quality of urban life: Problems, causes, and solutions (livro disponível online)
Organizadores: Tommy Gärling; Linda Steg
Referência: 2007, 473 p., Elsevier
Descrição: This book aims to provide a comprehensive overview of research on problems resulting from car use, factors influencing car use, and effective strategies to manage these problems by reducing the level of car use. These issues are discussed from a behavioural science perspective this book integrates insights from different disciplines. The book consists of three sections, in which the following three main questions are being addressed: (i) What are the threats to the urban quality of life from car traffic; (ii) Which are the determinants of car use; and (iii) How can the problems of car use effectively be reduced via behavioural changes of individual car users?
Overall, the volume provides a comprehensive overview of the problems resulting from car use, the causes of these problems, and effective and acceptable ways to manage the problems through behavioural changes.
Observação: Ao leitor interessado, o GT-Mobilidade do Laboratório de Psicologia Ambiental da UnB disponibilizou, gentilmente, resenhas de cada capítulo do livro, decorrentes das discussões feitas em suas reuniões no ano de 2011, onde o livro foi utilizado. Acesse aqui.