Fabien LOTTE, PhD - Brain-Computer Interface (BCI) researcher
Fabien LOTTE, PhD, Research Director (DR2) at Inria
email: fabien [dot] lotte [at] inria [dot] fr
Inria Centre at the University of Bordeaux / LaBRI, Potioc team
200 rue de la vieille tour - 33405 Talence Cedex
France Phone number: +33 5 24 57 41 26
Google Scholar profile - ORCID ID: orcid.org/0000-0002-6888-9198
Welcome to my professional homepage. This is basically a webpage about my research on Brain-Computer Interfaces (BCI).
Please feel free to explore this website by using the navigation panel on the left. Don't hesitate to contact me if you want any additional information or if you are interested by a research collaboration. Hope you'll enjoy it!
A paper accepted in Transactions on Machine Learning Research, about Geometry-Aware visualization of high dimensional Symmetric Positive Definite matrices! (see sections Publications and Code).
A paper accepted in Journal of Neural Engineering, about the Master classes of the tenth international brain-computer interface meeting! (see section Publications).
Manon Bourdil and Camille Cousin joined our team for their Master thesis, welcome!
A paper accepted in IEEE Access, on the vision of the USERN (Universal Science and Education Research network) on Artificial Intelligence for Science and Society (see section Publications).
A paper accepted at the International BCI Winter Conference 2025, on "From Post-Median Nerve Stimulation ERD to MI-BCI Expertise Prediction" (see section Publications).
Loic Bechon joined us for starting his PhD on ANR project STIM-BCI. Welcome!
2 workshops accepted at the International BCI Meeting 2025: "Exploring the Clinical Integration of BCI Technology in General Anesthesia Monitoring" & "Toward Theories of Brain-Computer Interaction"
Juliette Meunier joined us as an engineer on Inria-DFKI project NEARBY. Welcome!
We were in Graz, for the great 9th International Graz BCI conference, where we organized 2 workshops and presented 5 papers.
David Trocellier won the "Best poster award" at the 9th International Graz BCI conference for our paper "Validating neurophysiological predictors of BCI performance on a large open source dataset"!! Congratulations David!
I gave a lecture at the 4th Inria-DFKI European Summer School on AI (IDESSAI 2024).
We have an open post-doc position to work with us on BCI as part of Inria-DFKI project NEARBY!
Our ANR project STIM-BCI (led by Sébastien Rimbert) was accepted!
We are organizing the 5th International NeuroErgonomics Conference (NEC'24) here in Bordeaux, that I am very happy to co-chair with Camille Jeunet-Kelway!
I gave an invited talk at the "Congrès de la SIF" (French Computer Science Society), in Poitiers, France!
we presented 2 talks and 2 posters at the CORTICO 2024 conference in Nancy, France.
A paper accepted at EUSIPCO 2024, on averaging trajectories on the Riemannian manifold (see section Publications).
5 papers accepted at the Graz BCI conference 2024 (see section Publications).
A book chapter accepted in the book "Mind, Body & Digital Brains" (see section Publications).
3 extended abstracts accepted in the International Neuroergonomics conference (see section Publications).
A journal paper accepted in the Brain-Computer Interface journals on the impact of gender in motor imagery BCI performance (see section Publications).
I gave an invited talk at the French Academy of Science about my work on BCI.
I was opening keynote speaker at the ICCAS conference in Toulouse!
The deadline for extended abstracts submission at Neuroergonomics 2024 has been extended. Final deadline: April 15th!
Loic Bechon joined us on ANR project PROTEUS! Welcome (back)!
We are organising a special session on "Modern Machine Learning Methods for robust and real-time Brain-Computer Interfaces (BCI)" at the ESANN 2024 conference! Do not hesitate to submit!
The call for workshop/tutorials at Neuroergonomics 2024 (that we organise in Bordeaux, France, this year) is open. You can submit your proposals until Feburary 15!
The call for abstracts at Neuroergonomics 2024 is Open! Deadline: April 1st!
A journal paper accepted in Frontiers in Neuroergonomics, on a mini-review about aesthetics experience decoding from EEG oscillatory activity (see section Publications).
A paper accepted in the The 12th IEEE International Winter Conference on Brain-Computer Interface, on Motor Imagery BCI performance prediction based on median nerve stimulation (see section Publications).
Project ERC PoC SPEARS is starting! Alex Pepi just joined us as an engineer to work on this project. Welcome!
In Saarbrucken, Germany, for the Kick-off of the Inria-DFKI project NEARBY: an exciting start!
I received the Nature Mentorship Award 2023, in the mid-career category!!
Valérie Marissens-Cueva started her PhD with us on ANR project BCI4IA. Welcome!
A paper accepted in the 4th Latin-American Workshop on Computational Neuroscience, on Riemannian geometry-based classification algorithms of cardiac signals (see section Publications).
I was a keynote speaker at the 4th Latin-American Workshop on Computational Neuroscience in Envigado, in the fascinating Colombia, a great congress!
I gave an invited virtual talk at the USERN 2023 congress.
I received the Lovelace-Babbage prize from the French academy of science in partnership with the French Society for Informatics!!
Pauline Dreyer started her PhD with us on the ANR PROTEUS project. Welcome!
In Torùn, Poland, for the RIKEN AIP-NCU workshop, where I gave an invited talk, and for the BITSCOPE European project meeting.
I was a keynote speaker at the MBT Conference 2.0, "Methods in mobile EEG", a really excellent scientific conference!
I am a visiting Professor at the Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, in Pr. Toshihisa Tanaka's lab. Thank you for hosting me again Tanaka-sensei!
I am a Keynote speaker at the IntEr-HRI Competition (Intrinsic Error Evaluation during Human -Robot Interaction) of IJCAI 2023 (video available there)
I got an ERC Proof-of-Concept (PoC) Grant accepted, in partnership with the FlitSport company, for project SPEARS!!!
I was a keynote speaker at the "colloque EPIQUE", a French-speaking ergonomic psychology conference, great conference!
We got a paper accepted in IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering on modelling complex distributions on the Riemannian manifold, with applications to EEG outlier detections and multimodal EEG classification (see sections Publications and Code)
We got a paper accepted in Nature Scientific Data, on a large EEG/BCI data base with user profile information! (see section Publications)
At the BCI Meeting 2023 near Bruxelles, where we presented 6 posters, co-organized a workshop, led 2 master classes and 1 lunch with leaders. As usual, really a great conference (maybe even better than before this year!)
In the VivaTech fair 2023 (the biggest Tech fair in Europe), to present our BCI research project NEARBY in a talk with my DFKI colleague Maurice Rekrut
Giving a talk on passive BCI for cognitive, affective and conative states estimation from EEG at the NeuroFrance 2023 conference in Lyon, France.
At the CORTICO days meeting in Paris, where we presented a few talks and posters!
We kicked-off ANR project PROTEUS in Paris, hosted by the partner Wisear!
Giving a talk on BCI at the "Digital natives" MMI Colloque of the University Bordeaux Montaigne, Bordeaux, France
Giving a talk presenting BCI research at Inria Bordeaux during the ONERA-Inria-CNRS-ENSC workshop on Human-Centred Systems in Talence, France
We have an open PhD position to work with us on BCI and its variabilities! See the Job Offer page for details.
A paper accepted in the EUSIPCO conference on EEG Cross-Frequency representation for Riemannian EEG classification! (see section Publications)
A paper accepted at the IEEE EMBC conference on baseline selection for ERD/ERS computation and motor imagery classification (see section Publications)
In Oldenburg University, Germany, for the Kick-off conference of the Research Training Group Neuromodulation, for which I am a scientific advisory board member. I also gave a talk there.
We kicked-off ANR project BCI4IA in Nancy!
6 abstracts accepted at the International BCI Meeting 2023! (see section Publications)
We organize a BCI mini-workshop @ the Inria center at the University of Bordeaux, on December 12th at 15:00, with talks from the members of PhD defence committee of Aline Roc. It is free and open to all, more information here!
We offer 3 internships on BCI in our lab for 2023, see here for more information and to apply!
I am very honoured to be the 2022 USERN (Universal Scientific Education and Research Network) Prize Laureate in Formal Science! The USERN Congress was also a really interesting event, in the fantastic Muscat city!
In Rome for the IEEE MetroXRAINE conference, where we presented two papers, hosted a special session and organized a special event for our BITSCOPE European project. Great first edition of this conference!
I was the opening keynote speaker of the NeuroAdaptive Technologies conference 2022 (NAT'22). We also presented two abstracts there, and I presented the French BCI research at the first german BCI network meeting that followed that conference. Great times!
Two papers accepted at IEEE EMBS EMBC 2022, one on discriminative BCI frequency band selection on the Riemannian manifold, and another one on the relationships between ERD/ERS during motor imagery-BCI use and users' profiles! (see section Publications)
Axel Bouneau joined our BCI group as an engineer, welcome!
A paper accepted in Frontiers in Neuroergonomics: Neurotechnologies and System Neuroergonomics, on the Passive BCI competition we organized on cross-session workload estimation from EEG! (see section Publications)
An editorial paper accepted in Frontiers in Human Neuroscience: Brain-Computer Interfaces, on the research topic of Long-term training of BCI end-users. (see section Publications)
Several new people joined our BCI group: Marc Welter for a PhD, Cécil Ostertag for a post-doc and Jordan Azzouguen for a Master thesis internship. Welcome!
A paper accepted in the Brain-Computer Interface journal, about how characteristics of data-driven features can be used to improve and/or predict BCI performances. (see section Publications)
A paper accepted in IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering, about new Riemannian channel selection algorithms to reduce between-session non-stationarities in BCI! (see section Publications)
Two open positions to work with me on BCI (one engineer and one PhD student position). See the Job Offer page for details.
David Trocellier joined our BCI group as a PhD student, welcome!
A paper accepted in IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering about identifying the optimal biased feedback for various BCI users' traits and states (see section Publications)
We presented a paper, a BCI competition, an invited plenary lecture and a workshop on OpenViBE at the 3rd Neuroergonomics conference! (which, by the way, was a very enjoyable conference!). Aurélien Appriou was also awarded the "Young Investigator Award" for his PhD work under my supervision, congratulations Aurélien!
Our paper about BioPyC, on our open-source Python software for EEG and physiological signals classification has been accepted in the journal Sensors (see section Publications).
Our book chapter about our research project BrainConquest, about Brain-Computer Interfaces user training, has been published in the issue "Neurotechnologie and Responsible Innovation" of Réalité Industrielles (in French, see section Publications).
I am very proud to join the journal IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering as an associate editor!
We presented 6 abstracts (see section Publications) at the International BCI meeting and co-organized one workshop there. As always, it was a very enjoyable conference, even with the remote format. We were also very happy to see our works receive both the best student talk award (for Jelena Mladenovic) and the best student poster award (for Maria Sayu Yamamoto). Congrats Jelena and Maria!
We have an open PhD position to work with us on "Artificial Intelligence-based non-invasive Neurotechnologies for adaptive and personalized post-stroke motor rehabilitation" at University of Bordeaux / Inria Bordeaux. Apply here before May 17, 2021 (apply for "sujet 6")
For older news please check this section of the website