Ongoing international projects

  • Horizon Europe (Doctoral Network) HUMAN (Partner) : 2023-2027. Title: Harmonising and Unifying Blood Metabolomic Analysis Networks. Total funding: 2,697 k€

  • ANR-DFG MetCalssNet (Coordinator) : 2020-2023. Title : New approaches to bridge the gap between genome-scale metabolic networks and untargeted metabolomics. Total funding : 928 k€

  • H2020 SAFFI (Partner) : 2020-2024 Title : Safe Food for Infants in China and the EU. Coordinator: Erwan Engel (INRAE, France). Total funding : 6,752 k€

  • H2020 GOLIATH (Partner, WP leader) : 2019-2023. Title : GOLIATH Generation Of NoveL, Integrated and Internationally Harmonised Approaches for Testing Metabolism Disrupting Compounds. Coordinator : Pr. Juliette Legler (University of Utrecht, NL). Total funding : 6,761 k€.

Ongoing national projects

  • ANR, MicroMetabo (Partner) : 2022-2026. Title: Influence of intestinal microbiota metabolic cross-talk on host metabolic allocation during animal juvenile growth. Coodrinator. Floriant Bellvert (CNRS, TBI). Total funding: 645 k€

  • FRM, EndoxOmics (Partner) : 2021-2024. Title: Persistent organic pollutants and endometriosis: a metabolome wide association study. Coodrinator. German Cano Sancho (INRAE, Laberca). Total funding: 537 k€

  • ANR-MRSEI, EU-Met (Coordinator) : 2021-2023. Title: New methods and tools for translational metabolomics. Consortium: MetaboHUB total funding: 30k€.

  • PIA equipex+, ANR MetEx+ (Coordinator) : 2021-2025. Title: Next generation metabolomics and fluxomics, from population to single cell. Consortium : MetaboHUB. Total funding: 5,675 k€.

  • PIA 3, ANR MetaboHUB 2.0 (Coordinator) : 2020-2024 Title: National metabolomics and fluxomics infrastructure. Consortium : MetaboHUB. Total funding : 2,900 k€.

  • ADEM Metalisabet (Partner, WP leader) : 2021-2024 Titre: Évaluation de l’impact métabolique de l’exposition environnementale, résidentielle et professionnelle aux polluants : une approche métabolomique. Coordinator : Luc Dauchet (Institut Pasteur, Lille). Total funding : 170 k€.

  • ANSES ToxMining (Coordinator) : 2019-2022. Title: Predictive toxicology approach for prioritizing the assessment of chemical agents. Total funding : 197 k€.

  • ANR Sentinel (Partner) : 2020-2023 Title: High-throughput screening tools for a reinforced chemical safety surveillance of food. Coordinator: Erwan Engel (INRAE, France). Total funding : 596 k€.

  • INCA MDM2 (Partner, WP leader) : 2019-2023. Title: MDM2 and serine metabolism: New therapeutic targets for liposarcomas. Coordinator: Dr Laetitia Linares (INSERM, Montpellier). Total funding : 592 k€.

Ongoing partnering projects

  • ANR-Bioproduction Ascending (Partner) : 2021-2024. Title : Towards an optimized process for the production, quality and safety of adipose tissue-derived mesenchymal stromal cells for therapeutic applications. Coordinator : Valérie Planat (Université Paul Sabatier, Toulouse), collaboration with compabies Cell-easy and Roquette. Total funding : 895 k€.

  • Collaboration and Phd with L'Oréal (Partner) : 2020-2023. Thèse CIFRE. Titre : Exploitation of in vitro omics data for toxicity prediction of cosmetic products. Total funding : PhD grant + 40 k€.

Past projects

INCA METAhCol (Partner) : 2017-2021. Title: Impact of low doses mixtures of aromatic hydrocarbon on colon carcinogenesis process : focus on energy metabolism hallmark. Coordinator: Dominique Lagadic- (INSERM, Rennes). Total funding: 657 k€

H2020 Phenomenal project (Partner): 2015-2018. Title: A comprehensive and standardized e-infrastructure for analyzing medical metabolic phenotype data. Coordinator: Christoph Steinbeck (EBI, Hinxton UK). Total budget: 7 684 k€.

FP7 Marie Curie Initial Training Network PARAMET project (Partner) :2012-2016. Title : A systematic analysis of parasite metabolism - from metabolism to intervention. Coordinator: Sylke Müller (University of Glasgow, UK). Total budget: 3 800 k€.

ANR-BBSRC SysTryp project (Coordinator): 2008-2011. Title: Metabolomic systems biology analysis of differentiation in trypanosomes. Total budget: 800 k€.

INCA P53 project (Partner, WP leader) :2016-2020. Title: Computational modeling of p53 metabolic functions. Coordinator: Laurent le Cam (INSERM, Montpellier). Total budget: 642 k€.

ANR PIA MetaboHub project (Partner) :2013-2020 Title: National metabolomics and fluxomics infrastructure. Total budget: 10 000 k€.

ANR NewPlast (Partner) :2013-2016. Title : Contribution to the Human exposure assessment related to substitutes and derivates of Bisphenol A and to the associated hazard characterization.

7INCA NeoMeaTox project (Partner) :2013-2016. Title: Effect of a mixture of red meat diet neoformed compounds, PAH, HCA and lipid peroxidation-induced alkenals, on colorectal carcinogenesis. Coordinator: Françoise Guéraud (INRAE Toxalim). Total budget: 516 k€.

ANR CONTREPERF project (Partner) :2010-2013. Title: Emerging perfluorinated contaminants: contribution to the assessment of human exposure and its progeny, to the study of their metabolism and to the characterization of their toxicological impact. Coordinator: Jean-Philippe Antignac (Laberca Oniris). Total budget: 399 k€.

ANR NISTEC project (Partner) :2009-2012. Title: New in vitro strategies for the evaluation of cytotoxicity and genotoxicity of environmental contaminants. Coordinator: Marie-Anne Robin (INSERM UMR-S 991). Total budget: 690 k€.

MedDay pharmaceuticals collaboration contract (Coordinator): 2017-2020. Title: Network analysis of metabolomic data obtained on patients with neurological diseases. Budget: 30k€ + provision of a Informatics Engineer 45 months.