DIRECTIONS and TIPS to reach the lab


INRAE TOXALIM, building A, 180 Chemin de Tournefeuille, Saint Martin du Touch, Toulouse


  • Take the metro line A, stop at Arènes station

  • Take the TER train (Metro Line C) in direction of Colomiers

  • Stop at Saint Martin du Touch station

  • 5 minutes walk to the lab


  • Depending on the station, the trip takes between 20 and 45 minutes.

  • You can use the same "Tisseo" ticket for both lines (you can buy them at all stations appart from Saint Martin's one)

  • If you plan to return with public transports, buy the return ticket in advance since there is no office at Saint Martin's station

  • Remembre to validate tickets even for connections (at Arènes station)

  • Toulouse people are friendly, and even if they may struggle with English they will be happy to help. Don't hesitate to ask!

Walk to the lab (5 minutes walk)