z80 Single Board Computer

z80 Single Board Computer based on "Grant's 7-chip Z80 computer".

Modifications from the original include:

- a 16550 UART to replace the 6850

- added a 8255 PPI parallel interface to allow controlling of external projects

- some modifications to address control logic

Software is adapted (GIT repository) accordingly and assembled on a Linux machine using the z88dk toolchain. This is a SmallC+ and Z80 assembler cross-compiler supplied with an assembler/linker and a set of libraries implementing the C standard library for a number of different z80 based machines.

Project pics and progress

November 1, 2014

[mostly] wired board with running BASIC interpreter. The latest circuit diagram with some corrections.


Component side

Wiring side

BASIC running...

August 17, 2014

Baseline code passing assembly with z88dk toolchain and producing identical code to original binary image.

SBC circuit board with positioned IC sockets.