Apple ][ rescue

Like a few of my other projects, this one started with an old Apple  II motherboard that I had in my box of electronics stuff. This too did not have any surviving external peripherals so in order to revive it I had to rebuild a everything including power supply, keyboard, speaker, and ROM card (this is a GTAC-2 clone).

This is the motherboard. It is a clone that has a Z80 CPU on-board and does not require an expansion Z80 card like the Apple II does. This setup takes away expansion slots 0 and 4. The ROM is connected via an external expansion card in a special slot names ROM used to run a clone Apple II ROM, but since this clone is almost an exact copy of the Apple II it can take the original Apple ROMs as well.

Several references exist on the web for this machine:

Here's what I did to rescue this motherboard and bring it back to life

Partial setup

Signs of life, color video scan-lines

With Apple II ROMs