
Post date: Jan 29, 2012 12:13:26 AM

Extraterrestrial Grail version has been released!

Listed below are the changes in this version:

    • each alien does a unique end-of-game celebration when they win
    • the Game Setup window now displays a picture of your alien next to the description text
    • added a more descriptive error message when trying to start the game before you have 6 or less attribute cards in your hand
    • the Game Setup window will display a help window if you try to move an Attribute card to a planet but you don't have a planet selected in the dropdown
    • the selected Attribute card will now be displayed in a picture on the Game Setup window, Customize Deck of Attribute Cards window, Search Planet Window, and Battle Victor window
    • made the size of the Game Setup window bigger, with bigger fonts and buttons to make it easier to read
    • if you double-click on the picture for the Extraterrestrial Grail Title Screen, then a new game will be started automatically