Intro Page

This page will serve as an introduction to your ePortfolio.

Write an introductory paragraph about what your ePortfolio will be used for. Consider your target audience -- is it only for your instructor (maybe this time!) or is it also for a potential employer?

Also include some general information about yourself, such as hobbies, academic and career goals, etc.

Include a photo of yourself to dress up the page a bit. If you are uncomfortable posting a picture of yourself, edit it in Affinity Photo or some other program to "cartoonify" it.

Include a comment about how to navigate the site to find the content pages.

Include anything else you feel may be relevant.

Note: If you have multiple classes in your ePortfolio you must include suitable wording on each class page as well as an "action" picture taken in that class.

Grade 11/12 Supplement

Also include a banner at the top of the page. For TGJ4M, create a new banner that reflects the new projects that were done.