
Essay with Dan Kelly in Aeon Magazine

June 21: Dan Kelly and I published an essay at entitled "Moral Progress is Annoying."


April 5, 2024: As of August 12th, 2024, I will be an Associate Professor of Philosophy with tenure at Purdue University!

Online Talk: Expanding Empathy 2024

April 2, 2024: I participated in a panel discussion with Linda Skitka and Matti Wilks as part of the 2024 Expanding Empathy Speaker Series from the Rock Ethics Institute at Penn State University. Check out the video here (I speak at 58:22)

Two new open-access papers on social norms in nonhuman animals

January 2024: For about two years, I've been working with Kristin Andrews, Simon Fitzpatrick, and an interdisciplinary team of primatologists, philosophers, and psychologists on a project aimed at sorting out how to have a comparative science of social norms. These two papers are the result:

In Biological Reviews: In search of animal normativity: a framework for studying social norms in nonhuman animals, with Simon Fitzpatrick, Sarah F. Brosnan, Thibaud Gruber, Catherine Hobaiter, Lydia M. Hopper, Daniel Kelly, Christopher Krupenye, Lydia V. Luncz, Jordan Theriault, & Kristin Andrews.

In  Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Human and nonhuman norms: a dimensional framework, with Kristin Andrews & Simon Fitzpatrick. 

Grad Seminar on the Philosophy and Science of Belief

January 2024: Dan Kelly and I are teaching a grad seminar called "The Maps by Which We Steer: The Philosophy and Science of Belief." Check out the syllabus here.

Berlin Workshop on Norms, Scripts, and Social Interaction

November 2023: Dan Kelly and I presented our paper, "Why Social change is annoying" at the Humboldt University in Berlin.  Check out our slides here.

Article in Philosophical Perspectives

July 2023: My paper, "Symbolic belief in social cognition," is forthcoming in Philosophical Perspectives. 

Read it here.

Workshop at Oxford

July 2023: I participated in the Evolution, Cognition, and Conscience workshop at Oxford University, alongside a lovely group of philosophers and psychologists. I presented my paper "The Outside-In Model of Moral Agency" (co-authored with  Dan Kelly).

Check out my slides here.

SPP 2023 at University of Pittsburgh

June 2023: I had two papers on the program at this year's SPP: "The Outside-In Model of Moral Agency" (co-authored with Dan Kelly) and "How to study social norms in nonhuman animals" (co-authored with Simon Fitzpatrick and Kristin Andrews, presented by Simon).

Visit to CEU

June 2023: I visited the Department of Cognitive Science and Cognitive Development Center at the Central European University in Vienna, where I was an external examiner for the dissertation of Dora Fogd. I also presented my paper "Symbolic belief and social cognition."

Talk at SSPP 2023 in Louisville

March 2023: I presented a new paper called "Symbolic belief in Social Cognition" at the SSPP. 

Check out my slides here.

(I also won this year's Griffith Memorial Award for the best philosophy paper from a junior scholar)

Symposium on Factive Mindreading at the APA Central in Denver

Feb 2023: I presented some of my work on factive mindreading alongside Daniel Harris (CUNY) and Carlotta Pavese (Cornell)

Paper with Kristin Andrews in Biology & Philosophy

August 2022: My paper with Kristin Andrews, "A pluralistic framework for the psychology of norms," is now forthcoming in Biology & Philosophy. 

You can read the preprint here.