

Monday lectures

1. Andrea Moro – Pavia (Italy) Linguistics meets the brain: towards the source of order

2. Alfonso Caramazza – Cambridge (USA) Object Knowledge: Domains and Attributes

Special event on Monday night (9-11 p.m.) 

Neuroscience and Psychoanalysis 

Introduction: Carlo SemenzaSpeakersNikolai Axmacher, Aikaterini Fotopoulou, Lionel Naccache, Mark Solms

Discussants: Uri Hadar.


26/1/2016 Where to go now with the What & Where pathway model

(organized by E. De Haan, Amsterdam, The Netherlands)

27/1/2016 Neuropsychology of developmental dyslexia

(organized by K. Shapiro, San Francisco, USA)

28/1/2016 How the brain tells time

(organized by D. Bueti, Lausanne, Switzerland and G.M. Cicchini, Pisa, Italy)

29/1/2016 Single-case cognitive neuropsychology in the 21st century

(organized by S.J. Fischer-Baum, Houston and J. Medina, Newark, USA)


List of 2016 posters here   Download all 2016 abstracts here

Maps of the abstracts can be found here ......

Small -discussion- groups*

Four small groups sessions with oral presentations will be held on both Tuesday and Thursday nights.

Tuesday: Action & Executive functions;  Attention & Space;  Language 1; Mechanisms of Spatial-Numerical Association.  

Thursday: Body, Sensorimotor Integration, Emotions, Social Cognition & Memory; Language 2; 

Numbers&Cognition;  Perception & imagery

2016 oral presentations here

* Monday lectures and symposia start at  3:00 pm ending at 7:30 pm. Small groups start at 9:00 pm.