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 My workshop has seven of these old framework knitting machines that were invented in 1589.  My machines were built in 1840 as stocking frames and were then adapted with the addition of deep throated sinkers and a transfer bar to make fine lace fabric.

To see this machine working on youtube (about 1 minute duration).

 click here

A longer demonstration of this machine knitting about 100 courses is at 

The markings on this machine can be seen on

'Meeting the Presser' film about my story and framework knitting (8½ min)

The scarf/cowl/hoods are made on the old Victorian circular knitting machines that were invented in 1872.

My machines all come from the Hucknall area of Nottingham and were originally installed with just a few inches between each machine, just as I have them now.

Each machine is stamped with a unique number indicating who had built and first used the machine.  The top picture on this page is I &R M No2337 which was I & R Morley of Nottingham. In the lower picture the second frame in is JS & S 2C which was John Smedley and Son of Matlock.

To see video of my workshop on youtube with demonstrations of the framework knitting machines and the circular knitting machines with some of their history on the Leicestershire Industrial History Society website (about 8 minutes duration)

click here