Women in Science & Misc

For Women in Science

L'Oréal for women in science programs

For women in science community

Prix CY Alliance des femmes et des sciences

IEEE WISP - Women in Signal Processing 

Since Sep. 2022, I serve as co-referee for gender parity and equality within the LIGM laboratory jointly with my colleague Chloé Athénosy [webFR] [webEN]

Time Capsule (2006->)

Great online classes, talks, etc.

Picture a scientist, documentary about gender inequality in science

Think Fast, Talk Smart: Communication Techniques, Lecturer Matt Abrahams, [TEDx  short version]

Convex Optimization, Prof. Stephen Boyd (also useful: www.convexoptimization.com)

Statistical Learning, Prof. Trevor Hastie, Prof. Robert Tibshirani

Art & places

Speedveb - my deviantart (acrylics, watercolors, ...)

Consuela Sardarescu (Zee Blue) - professional painter and close friend 

Adela Burdujanu - professional painter 

David Picard (from Omainen) - musician and scientist

UNESCO sites in Romania - first home land

Rick Steves' Europe - Romania 

Rick Steves' Europe - Istanbul -  favourite place ever !

Present affiliations

UGE - Université Gustave Eiffel, Marne-la-Vallée (Greater Paris), Ile-de-France, France (Full Professor)

LIGM - joint research lab of UGE, CNRS and ENPC (Full Professor)

ESIEE Paris - French Engineering School, co-founding member of UGE

GdR ISIS - structure d'animation du CNRS, une référence pour la communauté du signal, des images, et de la vision par ordinateur

ENSEA - French Graduate School in the Greater Paris area, France (détachement 2022-2027)

ETIS -  joint research lab of CY Cergy Paris Univ., CNRS, and ENSEA (Associate Researcher)