Step 2: Determine Authority

Once you've read this article in Step 1, you should determine if the source's authority makes it credible.

Look for answers to the following questions in Badsey's article and post your answers to this blog post.

  • Is the author's name listed? What is the author's name?

  • What are the author's credentials? Do these identify the author as an authority in the field?

  • Is the author's institutional affiliation listed and linked to the home page of that institution?

  • Is the relationship between the institution and the author clear?

  • Does the author list an address (e-mail or snail mail) or phone number for contact?

  • Is there a link to the author's biographical information?

Did you find the answers to all of these questions? If you did not, is the source still credible? Why or why not? If there is missing information, were you able to google the author's name and find out more about him? What did you find out?

Hints: The author's name is at the top of the page, and there is more information about him at the bottom of the page in the About the Author section.

Go to: Step 3: Determine Accuracy