EuroReunion Duesseldorf Details

Hotel Booking and Information

Our Hotel is the Holiday Inn Duesseldorf-Neuss.

This Four Star hotel is located about 400m from a tram station and only 150m from the Rhine River.

A train ride to Duesseldorf downtown is only 10-15 min.

A taxi to town costs about €10 (<10 min.) and €20 to the Airport (15-20 min depending on traffic). A taxi stand is located directly in front of hotel.

Book your Room:

Online booking is NOT available.

Call +49 2131 184 173, or email

Mention our Booking Code: IS REUNION

Contact Infos:



Hotel Front Desk: 49-2131-184 X0 | Hotel Fax: 49-2131-184 X184

Hotel Prices and Packages

Double room / one person:

Package #1


Double room / two persons:

Package #1 + #2

€335/2= €167.50 each

Triple room / three persons:

Package #1 + #2 + #2 + extra bed

€451.50= €150.50 each

Booking Code : IS REUNION

The hotel reservation system can't divide these packages up by 2 or 3 persons, so you would have to book all persons in one room under one persons name with one credit card.

When you check out the bill is divided up accordingly.

Cancellation Policy: you may book or cancel until one week before the event.

Extra bed charge: only if it is not cancelled before they set it up (2 days notice to be sure).

Should anybody show up just for the dinner (€35) they need to know at least one week in advance and preferably as early as possible.

Package #1 : Euro 258, 50 = 2 overnites in a double room (€91/night with bf), 2x buffet (2x €35), kids under 12 sleep and eat for free in parents room, 1 cocktail at reception (€6.50) for kids the light version.

Package #2 : 76.50 = 1x cocktail and 2x buffet

Extra bed : €40

Breakfast : €17

Tell me more about the Hotel

When you register with the HI Neuss directly (see above), the hotel will send you a confirmation mail to fill out your credit card details which will act as the guaranteed booking.

You need to book before the hotel deadline on 12 June, 2009 at the very latest .

Only written credit card confirmation counts,

The buffet is planned according to June 12 binding reservation status.

Any cancellations after this date will be fully charged, also food.

Reservations after this date will be possible on an availability basis and charged immediately.

The number of reservations from June 12 is the basis for the Chefs to calculate and put together the ingredients of our buffets.

They will try to buy seasonal foods to allow better value and more variation for our Asian and German buffets.

Tell me more about Düsseldorf

According to an international study it offers the # 6 best quality of life worldwide and #1 in Germany.,1518,558639,00.html

Düsseldorf is know as the party town in Germany due to the "Altstadt" or Old Town. People come from all over Germany to celebrate here, especially for stag and hen nights... or was that cats and chicks night?

Düs also prides itself with "die längste Theke der Welt" or "The Longer Bar in the World" because it has the most restaurants and bars concentrated in one area.

Bottom line: it may not be as famous as München or Berlin but it's a great place to have a REUNION PARTY!

Reunion Activities

Saturday Daytime Actibities (sightseeing):

In Duesseldorf:

Walk along the chic Rhine river promenade which stretches from the famous and hip harbor area (modern architecture, restaurants, bars, movies etc.) in the South to the next bridge North and stop for food and drinks and the view. From here jump in one of the many boats for a short ride on the Rhine 30-60 min. as we did in Malmö and Amsterdam. Tour Altstadt (old town) by the river and experience the "world's longest bar". Apparently the city has the most bars and restaurants in one area. Close by is the famous Koenigs Allee or "Kö" as they call it. Fancy haute couture and a lovely street with nice trees and waterway. Just adjacent is a "normal" shopping district from Shadow Street to Wehrhahn (international chains like H&M, Department stores). Taste the Heinemann cakes and chocolates of one of the best confiserie's worldwide.

For those who will be getting an early start and want to go further away or are touring the area:

Köln / Cologne:

The cathedral is huge and a big attraction. 30 mins by train. Also has a Rhein promenade and cruises but small compared to the Capital city of the Federal State of Northrhein Westfalia, Duesseldorf.

Rhein River Cruise: Day Trip

The most famous stretch of the Rhein for longer boat cruise is 130 km South of Duesseldorf between Ruedesheim and Koblenz.


The border is about 50-60 km far (Aachen, Maastrich, Roermond (outlet shop), and Venlo with all sorts of sightseeing and specialty shops for special needs. Amsterdam is 220 km away.