Elie Continuously Improves

I love to improve my self at every opportunity. I am a principal centered person so I follow the teachings of Stephen R. Covey. I also like to improve my thinking so I studied and follow the thinking techniques of Edward De Bono. I continue to improve my happiness, calmness and sense of direction by reading the books and following the techniques of Paul McKenna.

These 3 people have been great teachers and mentors throughout my life and have made me who I am today. I am still learning from their methods and ways of life every day and I am so glad that they chose to share their wisdom with the world.


Paul McKenna -

Image Credit

WikiMedia Commons - CLICK HERE for more information - 11/11/2018

Edward De Bono -

Image Credit

Wikipedia - CLICK HERE for more information -11/11/2018

Stephen Covey

Image Credit

Wikimedia Commons - CLICK HERE for more information 11/11/2018