Full vita
Links to papers here
Professor of Economics at New York University Abu Dhabi, a school of New York University in the UAE
Full Professor, on leave, Department of Economics, Sciences Po Paris.
Founder and Co-Director of LIEPP 2011-2017 (Laboratory for Interdisciplinary Evaluation of Public Policies) in Sciences Po (10 million euros).
Since 2005 Research Fellow of CEPR, in programmes Labour Economics &, Monetary Economics and Fluctuations (formerly International Macroeconomics). Previously 1998-2005: Research Affiliate, CEPR (programme: Labour Economics)
Since 1999 Research Fellow at the Institute for the Study of Labor (IZA), Bonn, Germany.
February to July 2017: Visiting fellow, The Hoover Institution, Stanford University. Part-time visiting fellow, Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco, Economic and Research Department
2012-2016 Sciences Po Board of Directors (CA FNSP).
2013-2016 Member of the Executive Committee of Sciences Po (Conseil de Direction de l’IEP de Paris) as representative of the Board.
2012-2016 Member of the French Council of Economic Advisers (CAE) to the Prime Minister
2012-2015 Co-Editor of an international journal, Labour Economics (Elsevier, North-Holland).
2009-2012 Member of the Minimum Wage Commission, appointed by the French Minister of Labor.
2008-2011 Head of Graduate Studies in Economics at Sciences Po Paris.
2006-2011 Research Associate at OFCE (French Economic Observatory). Member of OFCE’s Scientific Council since 2012.
2009-2011 Panel member of Economic Policy at CEPR (Center for Economic Policy Research).
2008-2011 Part-time researcher at CREST (Insee/National Institute of Statistics and Economic Studies).
2005-2006 Program Director in Macroeconomics at CIRPÉE (Inter-University Centre on Risk, Economic Policies, and Employment).
2004-2006 Director of Canada Federal Research Chair on the Dynamics of Labour Markets. Full Professor at UQAM (Université du Quebec à Montreal).
2000-2003 Part time Associate Professor at Université Libre de Bruxelles.
2000-2003 Professor of Economics at University of Metz (professeur agrégé des universités, Full Professor).
1998-2000 Assistant Professor at Université Libre de Bruxelles.
1998-2003 Research Fellow at ECARES (The European Center for Advanced Research in Economics and Statistics) Université Libre de Bruxelles.
1997-1998 Post-Doctoral position at The Institute for International Economic Studies, Stockholm University.
- PhD in Economics at The Department of Economics, London School of Economics and Political Sciences, 1997.
- MSc. (DEA). Analyse et Politique Economique, DELTA, Paris, September 1994, with distinction.
- Ingénieur de l’Ecole Polytechnique (advance undergraduate degrees in Physics and Mathematics), September 1993.
Labor Economics, Macroeconomics, Search Theory, Urban Economics.
36. Brzustowski, Thomas, Nicolas Petrosky-Nadeau and Etienne Wasmer (2016) “Disentangling goods, labor, and credit market frictions in three European economies”, Labour Economics: The Journal of the European Association of Labour Economists.
35. Petrosky-Nadeau Nicolas, Wasmer, Etienne and Zeng, Shutian (2016) “Shopping Time”, Economics Letters, Volume 143, June 2016, Pages 52–60.
34. Lepage-Saucier Nicolas and Etienne Wasmer (2016) “Does employment protection raise stress? A cross-country and cross-province analysis”, Journal of Human Capital, Volume 10, Number 1, Spring 2016, pp. 33-66, Chicago Press.
33. Bonnet, François, Etienne Lalé, Mirna Safi and Etienne Wasmer (2016) “Better spatial than ethnic discrimination! Reconciling audit’s findings and interviews’ findings in the French housing market”, Urban Studies, Urban Studies, Vol. 53(13) 2815–2833.
32. Petrosky-Nadeau Nicolas and Etienne Wasmer (2015) “Macroeconomic Dynamics in a Model of Goods, Labor and Credit Market Frictions”, Journal of Monetary Economics, Volume 72, Pages 97-113, May 2015.
31. Wasmer Etienne (2014) “Public policy evaluation: do we need interdisciplinarity?” Economie et Prévision, 2014/1 (n° 204-205), Pages 193 - 209
30. Bonnet, Odran, Pierre-Henri Bono, Guillaume Chapelle and Etienne Wasmer (2014) “Le capital logement contribue-t-il aux inégalités? : Retour sur le capital au XXIe siècle de Thomas Piketty”, Revue d'Economie Politique, 2015/3 (Vol. 125), Page 317 à 346.
29. Gobillon Laurent, Peter Rupert and Etienne Wasmer (2014) “Unemployment gap between ethnic groups: the role of frictions on the housing and labor markets”, Journal of Urban Economics, Elsevier, Volume 79, pp. 108-120.
28. Petrosky-Nadeau Nicolas and Etienne Wasmer (2012) “The Cyclical Volatility of Labor Markets under Frictional Financial Markets”, American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics, 5(1): 193-221.
27. Rupert, Peter C. and Etienne Wasmer (2012) “Housing and the Labor Market: Time to Move and Aggregate Unemployment”, Journal of Monetary Economics, Volume 59:1; January 2012, 24–36.
26. Wasmer Etienne (2011) “Le prix Nobel 2010: les marchés frictionnels”. Revue d'économie politique, 2011/5 (Vol. 121), pp 637-666.
25. Lamo, Ana, Messina, Julian and Etienne Wasmer (2011) “Are Specific Skills an Obstacle to Labor Market Adjustment?”, Labour Economics, an International Journal, Elsevier, vol. 18(2), pages 240-256, April.
24. David, Quentin, Janiak, Alexandre, and Wasmer, Etienne (2010) “Social Capital, Mobility and Unemployment in Europe”, mimeo, UQAM et ULB., Journal of Urban Economics, Elsevier, vol. 68(2), pages 191-204, September.
23. Peter C. Rupert, Elena Stancanelli and Wasmer, Etienne (2010) “Commuting, Wages and Bargaining Power, Annales d'Economie et de Statistiques, 2009, (95 - 96), 201 – 22.
22. Chemin Matthieu and Etienne Wasmer (2009) “The employment effects of 35-hour workweek regulation in France: using Alsace-Moselle local laws to build a diff-in-diff”, Journal of Labor Economics, Vol. 27, No. 4: 487-524, lead article. Erratum published in October 2017, pp. 1149–1152.
21. Chemin Matthieu and Etienne Wasmer (2008) “Regional difference-in-differences in France using the German annexation of Alsace-Moselle in 1870-1918”, NBER International Macro Annuals, eds. Frankel and Pissarides, University of Chicago Press.
20. Cahuc, Pierre, Marque, François and Etienne Wasmer (2008) “Intrafirm wage bargaining in matching models: macroeconomic implications and resolution methods with multiple labor inputs”, International Economic Review, August 2008, Vol. 49, pp. 349-372.
19. Wasmer Etienne (2007) “Analyse économique du marché du logement locatif”, Revue Economique, special issue on Law and Economics, vol. 58, 2007/6, pages 1247-1264.
18. Wasmer, Etienne (2007) “Links between Labor Supply and Unemployment: Theory and Empirics”, Journal of Population Economics, Volume 22, Issue3 (2009), Page 773.
17. Wasmer Etienne (2006) “General vs. Specific Skills in Labor Markets with Search Frictions and Firing Costs”, American Economic Review, June, Volume 96(3), pp 811-831.
16. Garibaldi Pietro and Etienne Wasmer (2005) “Labor Market Flows and Equilibrium Search Unemployment”, Journal of the European Economic Association, Vol 3(2), juin, pp. 851-882.
15. Rosèn, Asa and Etienne Wasmer (2004) 'Higher Education Levels, Firm's Outside Option and the Wage Structure', LABOUR 19 (4), December, pp. 621-654.
14. Wasmer Etienne and Philippe Weil (2004) “The Macroeconomics of Credit and Labor Market Imperfections”, American Economic Review, September, 94(4), pp 944-963.
13. Wasmer Etienne (2004) “Labour Supply Dynamics, Unemployment and Human Capital Investments”, Louvain Economic Review, pp. 461-482, vol. 70(4).
12. Wasmer Etienne et Yves Zenou (2004) “Does Space Affect Search? A Theory of Local Unemployment”, Labour Economics: An International Journal, Vol 13, pp. 143-165.
11. Garibaldi Pietro and Etienne Wasmer (2004) “Raising Female Employment: Reflections and Policy Tools”, European Economic Association Annual Congress, Journal of the European Economic Association, P&P, 2 (2-3), 320-330.
10. Carcillo Stéphane and Etienne Wasmer (2003) “Discrimination and Bilateral Human Capital Investments Decisions”, Annales d’Economie et Statistiques, Vol. 71-72, pp 317-345.
9. Thisse Jacques, Etienne Wasmer and Yves Zenou, Y. (2003) “Ségrégation Urbaine, Logement et Marchés du Travail”, Revue Française d’Economie, n°4, pp 85-123.
8. Wasmer Etienne and Yves Zenou, Y. (2002) 'Does City Structure Affect Job Search and Welfare?', Journal of Urban Economics, 51, pp. 515-541.
7. Wasmer Etienne and Philippe Weil (2002) “Financial Fragility, Business Creation and Job Destruction”, Louvain Economic Review, 68 (1-2), pp. 181-200. (special issue: The New Economy: Implications and Viability).
6. Cahuc Pierre and Etienne Wasmer (2001) “Does Intrafirm Bargaining matters in the Large Firm's Matching Model”. Macroeconomic Dynamics, 2001, Vol. 5, pp. 742-747.
5. Wasmer Etienne (2001) “Measuring human capital in the labor market: the supply of experience in 8 OECD countries”, European Economic Review P&P, 45, pp. 861-874.
4. Wasmer Etienne and Philippe Weil (2001) “Credit Markets and Unemployment in the Short Run and in the Long Run”, International Economic Journal, 15(1), pp. 1-20.
3. Desgranges Gabriel and Etienne Wasmer (2000) “Appariements sur le Marché du Logement.” Annales d’Economie et de Statistiques, Vol. 58, April-June, pp. 253-287.
2. Wasmer Etienne (1999) “Competition for Jobs in a Growing Economy and the Emergence of Dualism in Employment”, The Economic Journal, July 1999, Vol. 109, no 457, pp. 349-371.
1. Wasmer Etienne (1999) “Changements de composition dans l’offre de travail. Implications pour les salaires et le chômage”. Economie et Prévision, April-September, 138-39, pp 77-87.
- Rafael Lalive, Elisa Guglielminetti, Philippe Ruh and Etienne Wasmer. “Spatial search strategies of job seekers and the role of unemployment insurance”, revise and resubmit, Review of Economic Studies.
- Alexandre Janiak and Etienne Wasmer, “EPL and capital-labor ratios”.
- Guillaume Vuillemey and Etienne Wasmer. “Frictional Unemployment with Stochastic Bubbles”, mimeo, IZA dp 10265, to be submitted.
- Guillaume Chapelle and Etienne Wasmer. “An Urban Equilibrium Model with Rent Controls Applied to Paris Urban Area. A third way between integrated Vienna and segregated Chicago?”.
- Nicolas Petrosky-Nadeau and Etienne Wasmer (2016) “The Efficiency of Surplus Sharing in Sequential Labor and Goods Markets”, mimeo, presented at SED 2016, Toulouse.
- Odran Bonnet, Pierre-Henri Bono, Guillaume Chapelle, Etienne Wasmer. “Heterogeneous Capital and the Secular Accumulation of Wealth: Land is back...and should be taxed”, revised version with Alain Trannoy.
- Morgane Laouenan, Jean-Benoît Eyméoud, Olivier Gergaud and Etienne Wasmer. A Multi-language, Yet Brief, History of Human Time: Exploring a database of “notable people”, mimeo Sciences Po and LIEPP discussion paper 2016-2.
- Etienne Wasmer, Olivier Gergaud, Morgane Laouenan. People and the growth of cities, with Morgane Laouenan and Olivier Gergaud, mimeo Sciences Po and LIEPP, mimeo.
- Mame-Fatou Diagne, Pierre Gouedard and Wasmer Etienne. “Evaluating pre-market discrimination: the Conventions Education Prioritaires in Sciences-Po”, in progress.
Labor, Credit, and Goods Markets: The Macroeconomics of Search and Unemployment, MIT Press, 2017, joint with Nicolas Petrosky-Nadeau. 8 chapters, 250 pages.
Full textbook (in French): Introduction to Microeconomics. 600 pages, Pearson Education ed.: Manuel d’introduction à l’économie : principes de microéconomie, Pearson Education, 576 pages, April 2010. Prix de l’Association Française de Sciences Economiques 2010, prix Wolowski de l'Académie des Sciences Morales et Politiques 2011. Second edition : September 2014 ; Third Edition Agust 2017.
Etat Moderne, Etat Efficace. October 2011, with Marc Ferracci, Odile Jacob publisher.
Presses de Sciences Po (2015): Vers une société de mobilité, Presses de Sciences Po, joint with Jean-Benoît Eyméoud, Sciences Po.
Education and Training in Europe, eds Brunello, Garibaldi and Wasmer, Oxford University Press and Fondazione R. DeBenedetti, 2008.
Co-editor (with Ana Lamo et Mélanie Ward, BCE et Barbara Petrongolo, LSE) of collective volume for Edward Elgar Publishing What explains the pattern of labour supply in an Enlarged Europe?, Edward Elgar publisher, 2005.
Co-editor (with Sergio Perelman) of collective volume ‘Dualisme et Institutions du Marché du Travail’, CIFOP, ed., 2003.
Shorter papers, comments or collective volumes
Wasmer, Etienne. (2013). Book Review, The Minimum Wage and Labor Market Outcomes by Christopher J. Flinn, Journal of Economic Literature, Volume 51, Number 2, June 2013, pp. 558-560(3).
Gilbert Cette & Étienne Wasmer. (2010). "La revalorisation automatique du SMIC," Revue de l'OFCE, Presses de Sciences-Po, vol. 0(1), pages 139-159.
Economic Policy (2009). Comment in The Effect of Employment Protection Legislation and Financial Market Imperfections on Investment: Evidence from a Firm-Level Panel of EU Countries, Federico Cingano (Bank of Italy), by Marco Leonardi (University of Milan), Julian Messina (University of Girona), Giovanni Pica (University of Salerno), Luigi Pistaferri (Stanford University), Etienne Wasmer (Sciences Po), Avril 2009.
Economic Policy (2009). Comment in Corporate Tax Harmonization in the EU, Leon Bettendorf (CPB Netherlands Bureau for Economic Policy Analysis), Michael P. Devereux (Oxford University Centre for Business Taxation), Albert van der Horst (CPB Netherlands Bureau for Economic Policy Analysis), Simon Loretz (Oxford University Centre for Business Taxation), Ruud A. de Mooij (CPB Netherlands Bureau for Economic Policy Analysis), Bas Jacobs (Erasmus University Rotterdam), Etienne Wasmer (Sciences Po), Octobre 2009.
Wasmer Etienne (2010). “Commentary”, in P. Garibaldi, J. Oliveira-Martins, and J. van Ours (eds), Ageing, Health, and Productivity: The Economics of Increased Life Expectancy, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Wasmer Etienne (2007). Discriminations et Ségrégation : le visible et l’invisible. Chapitre dans ouvrage collectif, OFCE, l’ebook de campagne, sous la direction de J.P. Fitoussi et E. Laurent.
Fitoussi, J.P., Laurent, E. et Wasmer Etienne (2007). Pour la diversité. Contrecarrer les discriminations et la ségrégation urbain. Chapitre dans ouvrage collectif, OFCE, l’ebook de campagne, sous la direction de J.P. Fitoussi et E. Laurent.
Wasmer Etienne et von Weizsäcker, J. (2007). Un meilleur fonds européen de globalisation. Numéro spécial de la Revue de l”OFCE : 20 ans de l’OFCE.
Wasmer Etienne, P. Fredriksson, A. Lamo, J. Messina and G. Peri., (2007), The Macroeconomics of Education, (144 pages), in Education and Training in Europe, eds Brunello, Garibaldi and Wasmer, Oxford University Press and Fondazione R. DeBenedetti.
C. Pissarides, P. Garibaldi, C. Olivetti, B. Petrongolo and E. Wasmer Etienne (2004). “Women in the labor force: How well is Europe doing?”, 56 pages, first half of T. Boeri, D. del Boca and C. Pissarides (eds.), European Women at Work, Oxford University Press (110 pages).
Wasmer Etienne (2004). “Short-Run Effects of Enlargement”, Panel contribution, collective volume, ECB-CEPR conference What explains the pattern of labour supply in Europe?, Edward Elgar Publishing.
Introduction of special issue (2004), Discrimination and Unequal Outcome, Annales d’Economie et de Statistiques, avec Yves Zenou, IUI, pp 1-15.
Wasmer Etienne (2003). “Inciter à la reprise d’activité”, pp. 126-218, in Des Idées pour la Croissance, Economica and Michel Didier, Rexecode, eds.
Thisse, J., Wasmer Etienne and Zenou, Y. (2002). “Ségrégation Urbaine, Logement et Marchés du Travail”, Rapport sur l’Intégration, Conseil d’Analyse Economique, Premier Ministre, France. Also published in Revue Française d’Economie (supra).
Wasmer Etienne (2002). “L’Enseignement de l”Economie et la Formalisation”, Reflets et Perspectives de la Vie Economique, special issue, ed. J.M. Baland and V. Bodard.
Boucekkine, R. and Wasmer Etienne (2002). “Introduction to the special Issue: The New Economy: Implications and Viability”, Louvain Economic Review, 68 (1-2).
Wasmer Etienne (2002). “The Causes of the “Youth Employment Problem”: A (Labor) Supply Side View”, pp 133-146, in 'The New Economics of Rising Inequalities; eds Daniel Cohen, Thomas Piketty and Gilles Saint-Paul, Oxford University Press and CEPR.
Wasmer Etienne (2002). “Discrimination et Structure des Marchés”, Actes du 2ème Colloque Jean Monnet, Université de Metz, pp. 105-122.
Major collaboration to L’enseignement de l’économie en question. Rapport au Ministre de l’Education Nationale, Fayard ed., J.P. Fitoussi, September 2001.
Wasmer Etienne (2001). “Changements de Composition de la Force de Travail et Dualisme”. Reflets et Perspectives de la Vie Economique, pp. 133-148, Tome XL, n°1-2, special issue Formation des Salaires, B. Mahy editor.
Croux, C. and Wasmer Etienne (2000) “Analyse de Données Spatiales du Marché du Travail. Application aux 260 communes wallonnes”, 14ème Congrès des Economistes Belges de Langue Françaises, CIFOP, ed.
Perelman, S., Rodrigues J. and Wasmer Etienne (2000). “Dimensions du Dualisme sur le Marché du Travail”, mimeo ECARE, ULB, 14ème Congrès des Economistes Belges de Langue Françaises, CIFOP, ed.
Perelman, S. and Wasmer Etienne (2000). “Résumé: Dualisme et Institutions du Marché du Travail”, 14ème Congrès des Economistes Belges de Langue Françaises, CIFOP, ed.
Petrongolo, B. and Wasmer Etienne (1999) “Matching et Spillovers Régionaux en Grande-Bretagne et en France”, pp 39-54, in Développements Récents en Economie Spatiale: Emploi, Concurrence Spatiale et Dynamiques Régionales, 1999, Economica, Catin M., Lesueur J.-Y. et Zénou Y., eds.
Saint-Paul, G. and Wasmer Etienne (1999). “Labor Market Policies: Strategic Games between National Governments and the European Central Bank”, pp. 63-78, in The New European Model between Integration and Decentralization, Magnette et Remacle, eds, Institut d'Etudes Européennes, ULB, Bruxelles
Wasmer Etienne and von Weiszäcker, J. (2007). A Better Globalization Fund, Bruegel Policy Brief 2007-1.
Wasmer Etienne and von Weiszäcker, J. (2007). Making Sense of the European Globalization Fund, Bruegel Discussion Paper.
Wasmer Etienne (1998). 'Commentaires sur "Flexibilité et Marché du travail dans les régions d'Europe" de Riccardo Faini et "Emploi et réglementation du Marché du travail: une analyse du système français à la lumière de la théorie économique avec quelques suggestions de politique économique" de Gilles Saint-Paul; préparé pour la Conférence des Economistes Belges de Langue Française, Session Localisation des Activités, Charleroi, 25/11/1998.
Short notes for the Council of Economic Advisor to the Prime Minister
2017: The New-Caledonian economy after nickel: Catherine Ris, Alain Trannoy and Etienne Wasmer, Conseil d'Analyse Economique, note #39.
2016: International mobility of talent : García-Peñalosa Cecilia and Etienne Wasmer, Conseil d'Analyse Economique, note #31.
2014: Training and Apprenticeship Policy in France : Pierre Cahuc, Marc Ferracci, Jean Tirole and Etienne Wasmer, Conseil d'Analyse Economique, note #19.
2013: Rental Housing: Conseil d'Analyse Economique, note #10, in English, and longer version here (in French), joint with Alain Trannoy.
2013: Housing Prices: Conseil d'Analyse Economique, note #2, joint with Alain Trannoy.
2012: Public policy evaluation: Conseil d'Analyse Economique, note no 1, collective note.
Other notes or reports
2013: Towards a single employment contract ? Pros, cons and mixed feelings, OECD working paper 1026, Feb. 2013, joint with Nicolas Lepage-Saucier and Juliette Schleich.
2012: Etienne Wasmer, "Marché du travail et mobilités - Insatisfaction au travail : l’exception française ? ", Institut Montaigne, 2012.
2012: Report to the President of Congress of New Caledonia: Et si la Prospérité n’était pas éternelle?, with Quentin David and Clément Carbonnier.
2011: Etienne Wasmer, Comment apporter des réponses aux questions de politiques publiques à partir de ses travaux de recherche?, Regards croisés sur l'économie, 2011/2 (n° 10), pages 185-196.
2011: Etienne Wasmer, À la recherche du locataire « idéal » : du droit aux pratiques en région parisienne, Regards croisés sur l'économie, 2011/1 (n° 9), Pages 216-227.
2010: Rapport no 90, French Council of Economic Advisers, Mathilde Lemoine. Les mobilités des salariés. 233 pages. Conseil d’Analyse Economique et La Documentation Française, Mai 2010.
2008: Janiak, Alexandre and Etienne Wasmer. (2008). Mobility in Europe: Why it is low, the bottlenecks, and the policy solutions. A report to the European Commission, DG Economic and Financial Affairs, Directorate E: Structural reforms and Lisbon Strategy. Economic evaluation http://ec.europa.eu/economy_finance/publications/publication13173_en.pdf
2006: Wasmer Etienne « Pour une réforme radicale du droit du logement », En temps réel, note number 27, December 2006.
2005: Phaneuf, Louis and Wasmer Etienne (2005). 'Une Étude Économétrique de l'Impact des Dépenses Publiques et des Prélèvements Fiscaux sur l'Activité Économique au Québec et au Canada'. Rapport de Projet, 110 pages, document de travail, CIRANO (Montréal).
1996: Pissarides, Chistopher, and Wasmer Etienne (1996).'The Socio-Economic Impact of Cohesion Fund Projects. The Regional Labour Market Issues', EC DG XVI discussion paper, CEP-LSE mimeo.
Co-Editor (with Peter Rupert) of a special issue in honor of Chris Pissarides, Labour Economics (Elsevier, North Holland).
Co-organizer with Rafael Lalive of the Sciences Po-LIEPP-U. Lausanne workshop on Housing and Transport in the City Economics, December 2016, Lausanne.
Co-organizer of the Sciences Po conference in Honor of Christopher A. Pissarides, June-July 2015 with Pietro Garibaldi, Jozef Koenings, Claudio Michelacci, Espen Moen, Barbara Petrongolo, and Jonathan Wadsworth.
Co-organizer of the Sciences Po Search in Goods Market and the Macroeconomy in May 2014 with Pascal Michaillat, Nicolas Petrosky-Nadeau and Emmanuel Saez.
Scientific Committee, Congress of the European Economic Association and the Econometric Society European Meetings, various years.
Co-organizer (with C.A. Pissarides) of the conference Advances in Matching Models, June 2006, Montreal.
Workshop Discrimination and Segregation, Sciences Po, Dec. 2011.
Member of selection committee of Mission Recherche, DREES, Ministry of Social Affairs, France, Fall 2005.
Expert for Mission Scientifique Technique et Pédagogique, French Ministry of Research and New Technologies, July 2005.
Member of scientific committee of the 20th Congress of the European Economic Association, Amsterdam, August 2005.
Organizer of an invited session, Congrès de la Société Canadienne de Science Économique, Charlevoix (Québec), May 2005. Member of the Scientific Committee of this Congress.
Organizer of labor workshop UQAM-Research Chair on the Dynamics of Labor Markets, April 2005, Montreal.
Co-ordinator of a report “The Macroeconomics of Education”, co-authored with P. Fredriksson, A. Lamo, J. Messina and G. Peri. Forthcoming as Brunello G., Garibaldi G. and E. Wasmer, Human Capital in Europe, report of the Fondazione R. DeBenedetti , June 2005.
Co-organizer (with Steve Ambler, Samuel Danthine and André Kurmann, UQAM) of the 2004 UQAM-UdM conference of the Canadian Macroeconomic Study Group: Market Imperfections and Macroeconomic Reality (November 2004).
Co-organizer of a ECB-CEPR conference What explains the pattern of labour supply in Europe? (June 2003). Co-editor (with A. Lamo and Mélanie Ward, ECB and B. Petrongolo, LSE) of the corresponding volume for Edward Elgar Publishing.
Co-editor (with Pr. Zenou) of a special issue, Annales d’Economie et Statistiques (2003), “Discrimination and Unequal Outcome”.
Co-organizer (with Pr. Zenou, Le Mans and Southampton University and Raquel Fernandèz, NYU), ADRES (Association pour le Developpement de la Recherche en Economie et Statistiques) –CEPR conference, Le Mans, January 2002: Discrimination and Unequal Outcome.
Co-editor (with Pr. Boucekkine, UCL) of a special issue 'The New Economy', Recherches Economiques de Louvain, vol. 1-2, 2002. Co-organizer of the associated conference, Université de Metz, April 2001.
Co-editor (with David De la Croix, Frédéric Docquier, Christine Mainguet, Sergio Perelman) of Capital Humain et Dualisme sur le Marché du Travail, De Boeck, 2002.
Co-President (with Pr. Sneessens, UCL), Commission 1 : Marché du Travail. Mismatch and Discrimination, 15ème Congrès des Economistes Belges de Langue Française, 28 et 29 November 2002.
Co-organizer and local organizer of the workshop “Statistical Methods Applied to Economics”, Université Libre de Bruxelles, July 2002.
Organizer of invited session Factors competition, technology, and labor market inequalities, 15th European Economic Association Annual Meeting, Bolzano, Italy, published in the European Economic Review Papers and Proceedings (2001).
Co-organizer, CEPR/ Fondazione Rodolfo Debenedetti conference, Milan, October 2001: Non-Standard Labour Contracts.
Co-organizer (with Pr. Cockx and Pr. Vanderlinden) of the first Day for Belgian Labor Economists, Université Catholique de Louvain, January 2001 ; Co-organizer and local organizer of the second Day for Belgian Labor Economists, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Bruxelles, June 2001.
Member of selection committee, 16th European Economic Association Annual Meeting, Lausanne, Switzerland, September 2001.
Rapporteur Général, Commission 1 : Marché du Travail. Dualism and Labor Market Institutions, 14ème Congrès des Economistes Belges de Langue Française, 23 et 24 November 2000.
Member of selection committee, 15th European Economic Association Annual Meeting, Bolzano, Italy, September 2000.
Member of selection committee, 13th Worlds Congress, International Economic Association, Buenos Aires, Argentina, August 1999.
Co-organizer, ECARE/CEPR conference, April 1999: The Minimum Wage.
In previous affiliations
2005-2006 Member of hiring committee, Economics Department; member of the committee of graduate school; member of scientific board of the “Ecole Supérieure de Gestion”, UQAM.
2001-2003 President of Hiring Committee, Economics Département, Université de Metz (Commission de Spécialistes, Section 05).
2002-2003 Head of the Department of Economics, Université de Metz.
2001-2003 Elected Member, University Council (Conseil des Etudes et de la Vie Universitaire), Université de Metz.
2002-2003 Elected Member, Conseil d’Administration, Université de Metz.
2001-2003 Membre Extérieur, Conseil d’Analyse Economique (Council of Economic Advisers), French Prime Minister.
2002-2003 Président du Jury des Mémoires, Université Libre de Bruxelles.
Referee reports
Science, Econometrica, Journal of Political Economy, American Economic Review, Review of Economic Studies, Journal of the European Economic Association, Journal of Economic Growth, Macroeconomic Dynamics, International Economic Review, Review of Economics and Statistics, Journal of Public Economics, BE journal of Macroeconomics, Review of Economic Dynamics, European Economic Review, the Economic Journal, Journal of Labor Economics, Labour Economics: an international journal, Labour:Review of Labor Economics and Industrial Relations, the Canadian Journal of Economics, the Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, Economica, Economie et Prévision, Annales d'Economie et de Statistiques, the Scandinavian Journal of Economics, Regional Science and Urban Economics, Journal of Regional Science, Recherches Economiques de Louvain, Empirica, la Revue Economique, Economie et Statistiques, la Revue d'Economie Régionale et Urbaine, Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics, Urban Studies, Applied Economics Quarterly, Journal of Economics (Zeitschrift für Nationalökonomie), Journal of Common Market Studies, Actualité Economique, Journal of Population Economics, Revue d'Economie Politique.
As well as regular referee for the European Research Council (Advanced Grants); and Agence Nationale pour la Recherche, Swedish Riskabanken Jubileumsfund.
Shorter Visits
U. of Barcelona, October-November 2017
U Southern California, March 2017
UC Santa Barbara, March 2017
NYU AD, January 2017.
U. Lausanne, December 2016.
Pompeu Fabra, November 2016.
European University Institute, October 2016.
IIES, Stockholm University, October 2016.
London School of Economics, September 2016.
Norwegian School of Business, September 2016.
Mc Gill University, May 2015.
Research Dept, Federal Reserve of San Francisco, Jan. 2016, March 2015, July 2014.
Carnegie-Mellon, April 2014.
UCL (Louvain), March 2014.
Hoover and Stanford, July 2014 & August 2013.
UC Irvine, March 2012.
UC Santa Barbara, January 2011.
U. Pennsylvania, April 2010.
Econ Department, Northwestern University, Chicago, April 2009.
Guest researcher, Collegio Carlo Alberto, Torino June-July 2007.
Guest researcher, Frankfurt Am Main, Goethe University, June 2007.
Federal Reserve de Cleveland, USA, February 2006.
Bruegel, Bruxelles, December 2006.
Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland, October & November 2006.
Arizona State University, Economics Department, October 2004.
European Central Bank, summer 2004 (Research Visitor Program).
European Central Bank, June 2003.
Bocconi, Milan, July 2001, July 2002.
Institute for Future Studies, Stockholm, September 2001.
IZA, Bonn. June 2000.
INSEE-CREST, June 1999.
INSEE-CREST, November 1998.
Uppsala University, March 1998.
IRES, Université Catholique de Louvain, May 1998.
Doctoral and master students
2017, 2018 J-term, Economic Rationality and Behavior, New York University in Abu Dhabi.
2016 Labour Economics and the City, master level, University of Lausanne.
2013-2015 Seminar for LIEPP PhD students.
2013-present Advanced Labor Economics, Sciences Po PhD.
2012-present Cours d'économie, Ecole de Journalisme, Sciences Po Paris.
2009-2012 PhD Course, Advanced Macroeconomics, PhD Sciences Po Paris.
2009-2012 Advanced Labor Economics, Ensae, Sciences Po, EPP master.
2007 Séminaire de macroéconomie, Master Recherche, Sciences Po Paris.
2007 Advanced Labor Economics, Univsity of Francfort.
2007 Incitations dans les grandes organisations, Master Recherche, Université de Metz
2004-2006 Labor market dynamics, Doctoral Program, UQAM (Université du Quebec à Montréal).
2000-present 2nd year PhD program, Doctoral School ULB-CORE-Namur.
1998-present Graduate Macroeconomics II, Université Libre de Bruxelles.
1999-2000 Graduate Advanced Econometrics, Université de Lille I.
May-June 1998 Mini-course for graduate students (2nd year), Stockholm University: An Overview of Matching Models and their Applications.
Undergraduate students
2007-2016 Introduction Course, first year in Sciences Po Paris and four regional campuses (Nancy, Poitiers, Dijon, Menton).
2002-2003 Macroéconomie 2nd year undergrad., Université Libre de Bruxelles.
2001-2004 Théorie de la Décision en Certain et Incertain, Maîtrise, Université de Metz.
2001-2004 Théories du Commerce International, Licence, Université de Metz.
2001-2004 Capital Humain et Croissance, 2ème Licence, Université Libre de Bruxelles.
2000-2003 Economie Internationale, 1ère Licence, Université Libre de Bruxelles.
2000-2001 Econométrie, Licence Sciences Economie, Université de Metz.
2000-2001 Economie du Travail, Licence Sciences Eco, Université de Metz.
Summer 1997 Intermediate Macroeconomics, Summer School, LSE
1994-1995 Class Teacher, Macroeconomics B, LSE.
Phd students (13 completed):
- Full advisor of Alexandre Janiak, ECARES, ULB (trade flows, currency changes and labor reallocation), now Assistant Professor, University of Chile, Santiago de Chile.
- Full advisor of Quentin David, ECARES, ULB (urban and labor markets and development economics, now Assistant Professor (MCF), Lille).
- Co-advisor of Ha Dao Ngoc (Essays on Cyclical Unemployment and Oil Price), now Researcher at Sherbrook University, Chaire de recherche en fiscalité et en finances publiques.
- Co-advisor of Nicolas Nadeau-Petrosky (financial imperfections in macroeconomics), Assistant Professor, Carnegie-Mellon, now Econ Department and Senior Economist, San Francisco Fed.
- Full advisor of Nicolas Lepage-Saucier, UQAM and Sciences Po (stress and labour market conditions), now assistant professor, ENSAI Rennes.
- Full advisor of Dilan Olcer, Sciences Po (the natural resources curse), now Researcher at the Royal Bank of Sweden.
- Full advisor of Etienne Lalé, Sciences Po (human capital and labor reallocation), Assistant Professor, Bristol University, now Assistant Professor, UQAM.
- Co-advisor of Guillaume Wilemme, Sciences Po, (segmented labor markets and search), post-doctoral researcher, Université Aix-Marseille.
- Co-advisor of Elisa Guglielminetti, La Sapienza-Sciences Po (dynamic behavior of credit flows in DSGE models with endogens separation rates), now Researcher at the Bank of Italy.
- Full advisor of Meradj Agdham, Sciences Po, (frictions in Labor Markets), now post-doctoral student at KU Leuven.
- Full advisor of Guillaume Chapelle, Sciences Po, (housing policies), now in a three-year ost-doc position at University of Barcelona, project director at LIEPP.
- Full advisor of Léa Toulemon, Sciences Po (public policy evaluation of the health system), now post-doctoral researcher at Hospinonomics, Paris School of Economics.
- Thesis co-supervisor for the PhD dissertation of Pierre Gouedard, Sciences Po (education policies), defense in March 2017, now researcher at the OECD, Education division.
Phd students (on-going supervision):
- Thesis supervisor for the PhD dissertation of Jean-Benoît Eyméoud, Sciences Po, enrolled in 2015 (labour markets and the Big Data); defense in 2018. Tenured researcher at the Bank of France in 2018.
- Thesis co-supervisor for the PhD dissertation of Pierre Deschamps, Sciences Po, enrolled in 2013, (mobility, discrimination and public policy), defense in 2018.
- Thesis supervisor for the PhD dissertation of Quentin Vandeweyer, Sciences Po, enrolled in 2013 (macroeconomics and finance); defense in 2018.
- Thesis supervisor for the PhD dissertation of Riccardo Zago, Sciences Po, enrolled in 2014 (monetary policy and job polarization); defense in 2018.
- Thesis supervisor for the PhD dissertation of Camille Urvoy, Sciences Po, enrolled in 2016 (labor markets policies and evaluation)
- Thesis supervisor for the PhD dissertation of Julia Mink, Sciences Po and INRA, enrolled in 2017 (health and consumption economics).
HDR (Habilitation à diriger des recherches)
Director of HDR (habilitation à diriger des recherches) :
- Olivier Gergaud, Université de Reims : Culture and Sport Economics.
- Mauro Napolitano (Senior Economist, Observatoire Français des Conjonctures Economiques, Skema Business School).
- Quentin David (Université de Lille 1).
PhD Committee member and referee for Stéphane Carcillo, Université de Paris I, December 2000. Appariements sur le Marché du travail et salaires: quelques interactions.
PhD Committee member for Haris Selod, Univ. Paris I. City structure and urban ghettos in the United States and South Africa, 2001.
PhD Committee member and referee for Christophe Nordman, Université de Paris I, January 2002. Formation de capital humain et diffusion du savoir dans l’entreprise : analyse économétrique sur données appariées marocaines et tunisiennes.
Rapporteur de la thèse de Beaubrun-Driant, Univ. Paris X, Rentabilité des actifs et fluctuations économiques,2004.
PhD Committee member for Wim Koevoets, K.U.Leuven. Wage Determination and Collective Bargaining, September 2003.
PhD Committee member for Mathias Hungerbuehler, Univ. Cath. Louvain. Redistribution in an imperfect labor market. July 2004.
PhD Committee member for Olivier Pierrard, Univ. Cath. Louvain. Equilibrium Business Cycles and the Labor Market, May 2004.
PhD Committee member and referee for the PhD dissertation of Anne-Laure Mascle, Univ. Toulouse I, Essais sur les institutions du marché du travail, June 2007.
PhD Committee member and referee for the PhD dissertation of Gabrielle Fack, Paris School of Economics, Formation des Inégalités, Politiques du Logement et Ségrégation Résidentielle, September 2007.
PhD Committee member and referee for the PhD dissertation of Amina Mahdi, Univ. Paris II, Politiques concurrentielles et chômage d'équilibre, September 2008.
PhD Committee member for the PhD dissertation of Camille Landais, Paris School of Economics, Essais en Economie Publique, Fiscalité, Hauts Revenus, Familles, December 2008
PhD Committee member for the PhD dissertation of Eve-Angeline Lambert, Univ. Nancy, « L’analyse économique des litiges individuels du travail », november 2008.
Committee member for the HDR (habilitation à diriger des recherches), Catherine Ris, Université Paris Est,“Capital humain, inégalité et emploi », 2014.
Committee member for the HDR (habilitation à diriger des recherches), Clément Carbonnier, Université Cergy, “ Utilisation de la fiscalité comme politique économique ou sociale », 2014.
PhD Committee member for the PhD dissertation of Le Chapelain, Sciences Po, “Market for education and student achievement”, 2014.
Phd Commitee Member Vincent Boitier, Université de Paris 1, “ Effets de congestion dans la localisation des travailleurs et des exportations”, November 2015.
Phd Commitee Member, Paola Montero Ledezma, “Workers’ mobility and social networks and their effects on labor market outcomes”, August 2015, U. C. Louvain.
Phd Commitee Member, Antoine Bonleu, Dec. 2016, Université Aix-Marseille.
Phd Commitee Member, Radmila Datsenko, September 2016, Université Lille 1.
Phd Commitee Member, Corentin Trévien, Sciences-Po.
Excellence in Refereeing Award, American Economic Review in 2016 and in 2017
2010-2014 Scientific co-Coordinator with Thierry Magnac (TSE) and Alain Trannoy (Aix-Marseille) of ECHOPPE project, French National Research Agency, ANR.
2011-2019 Labex LIEPP (Laboratory for Interdisciplinary Evaluation of Public Policy), 10 million euros.
2010-2014 Scientific Coordinator, EVALPOLPUB, French National Research Agency, ANR (380 000 euros).
2010-2011 Villes et Politiques Urbaines, DARES, 50 000 euros.
2007-2010 French National Research Agency, ANR DISCRI-SEGRE, ANR (200 000 euros).
2006 Laureate, Prize of the Young French Economist (below 40), by Le Cercle des Economistes and Le Monde, joint with Thierry Mayer.
2004 Nomination for the Prize of the Best Young French Economist (below 40), by Le Cercle des Economistes and Le Monde.
2004 Teaching Award for the Fall Session, Economics Department, UQAM.
2004-2006 Research Fund PAFARC, UQAM.
2004-2008 FQRSC équipe.
2004 Canada Research Chair in Labour Economics. Grant from Fonds Canadien de l’Innovation.
2000-2003 Crédit aux chercheurs, Fonds National de la Recherche Scientifique (FNRS), Belgique (with P. Weil).
2000-2003 Crédit jeune chercheur, Conseil Régional de Lorraine.
1997-1998 Post-doctoral position (Wennergrenska Samfundet), Stockholm University, Institute for International Economic Studies.
1994 -1997 Allocation de Recherche du Ministère de la Recherche et de la Technologie.
1994 -1996 Financial Support, Fondation de l’Ecole Polytechnique.
1993 -1994 Bourse de DEA de l’Ecole Polytechnique.
2006 Bruegel (Brussels), research on globalization.
2004, 2005 Consultant, European Central Bank, DG-Economics.
2004 Research Visitor Program, Banque Centrale Européenne, DG Research.
2001 Report as National Expert for Belgium, Commission Européenne, DG Emploi : “Indices d’adaptabilité du Marché du travail”, Algoe.
1997-1999 Research Associate, Center for Economic Performance, London School of Economics.
1995-1997 Research Assistant for Prof. C.A. Pissarides , Labor Market Impact of Cohesion Fund, DG XVI, Commission Européenne.
Plenary Speaker at the Société Canadienne de Sciences Economique: State of the art in Search and Matching Models, Ottawa, May 2017
Inaugural lecture, Faculté de Droit, Economie et Gestion, Université de Lorraine, Metz, November 2016.
Semi-plenary session, Italian Economic Association, Napoli, October 2015.
Session Plénière, 7ème Journée d’Economie de la Culture, Ministère de la Culture et Grande Bibliothèque de France, September 2015.
Invited Session, American Economic Association (AEA meeting), Boston, January 2015.
Invited Session, Annual Congress of the Econometric Society, European Meeting 2014, Toulouse School of Economics.
Keynote speech, Workshop, Louvain-La-Neuve, Labor Mobility, the Housing Market and Labor Market Outcomes.
Invited Speaker, First Econ Day at ENSAI, Rennes.
Invited session, The evaluation of public policies, Congrès Annuel de l'Association Française de Sciences Economiques, Université Paris Ouest Nanterre.
Invited session, Finance and Employment, European Economic Association, Oslo.
Plenary Session, Université de Metz, colloque XX, Evaluation des Politiques Publiques, faut-il de l'interdisciplinarité ?
Session de panel sur invitation, European Economic Association Annual Congress, Edinburgh, August 2010.
Plenary session, interdisciplinary workshop « La nouvelle question spatiale : ségrégation urbaine et accès à l”emploi », September, Marne-la-Vallée.
Conference at the Cour de Cassation. The effectiveneness of ILO international norms. Discussion of the presentation by Mrs Doumbia-Henri, Directrice des Normes au BIT, June.
Debate at Institut Montaigne with current and former Ministers of Housing (Mrs Boutin and Mrs Lienemann: Housing Crisis, public or private solutions, June.
Keynote speech, 2ème journée du logement, IDEP-Marseille, March.
Keynote presentation, conférence de l’ADRES-EDHEC, Labour Markets Outcomes, A Transaltantic Perspective.
Before 2007
“Globalization”, Frankfurt University and German-French business association, 2007.
Panel session « Labor Markets and Globalisation », 1st conference SOEGW, Rimini, Italy, 2006.
Introductory conference, Journées de l'Association d'Economie Sociale in Nancy: Législation de l'emploi, stress et détresse: pourquoi les salariés gagneraient-ils à une réforme du Marché du travail ?, 2006.
Industry Canada Distinguished Speaker Series, Ottawa, September: Job Reallocation and Human Capital in Imperfect Labor Markets, 2004.
Plenary Session, 41e Congrès annuel de la Société canadienne de Science économique, Québec, May : L'enseignement de l'économie aux études supérieures : Trop de formalisme? ", 2001.
Keynote Speech, European Commission, workshop on excellence in economics: “Some Political Economy of Excellence”, Brussels (November), 2001.
2010 Discussion, Conference in Honour of Jacques Thisse, Louvain-la-Neuve, May 11th and 12th.