
This is my playground where I summarize my humble experience with all algorithms that I have interacted in academic or professional environment.

The friendly Algorithms' book you need

August 2020,

Algorithms are one of those computer science topics that everybody wants to learn but can't do it. Due to the time or skills (I prefer time constraints), Algorithms are a tough but necessary topic for every computer scientist engineer. From sorting, searching, graph theory, and string processing. All digital technology that we take for granted now has numerous famous algorithms within. For example, the internet and its graph, all databases with their searching and sorting algorithms, or Waze (now part of google maps) with its edge-weighted shortest path strategy.

Although Algorithms. from R. Sedgewick is a comprehensive book with several examples to implement accompanied with the Coursera course and a proper website. It only opens the gate of curiosity to this beautiful discipline that will make you not only better in problem-solving, but also, in code design and data structures. Noteworthy are the several historical quotes about each algorithm, although they are short in an extension I feel like reading Statistical Rethinking-stye book.

Just for my learning purposes, I have ported almost the entire book to python in my GitHub if your are interested or stuck