PhD (University of Cincinnati, US)

Latest news:


Twitter : maurosc3ner

Email  : correaem[at]mail[dot]uc[dot]edu

GitHub Portfolio

Code repositories where I highlight some all my learning-by-doing examples in Machine learning, Statistical Inference and Geospatial:

Machine Learning

Main repo in ML (Python and R) 

Algorithms Book (Sedgewick and Wayne) 

Stastitical Inference



IO & Pre-processing 

ASC, NetCDF, TIFF, ENVI, GeoJSON, geocoding and Vector-like.

Tools: Rasterio, GDAL, GEE, folium.


Hotspot analysis, Interpolation, spatiotemporal and space lag models, adjacency.

Tools: Pandas, NumPy, OpenCV, ITK.


Tools: Leaflet, matplotlib, ggplot, VTK, threejs.

Machine Learning

Computer Vision 

image restoration, DICOM,

equalization, edge detection, noise reduction, filtering, Fourier, geometric transformations.

Tools: Python (OpenCV), ITK.

Statistics & Data Science

Bayesian and regression analysis (poisson, logistic, survival).

Tools: Python (NumPy, pandas, geopandas), SQL,

R (GLM, lm4, dplyr, mgvc)


PCA, NLP, Unsupervised and supervised learning, object detection and classification.

Tools: scikit-learn, keras.

Programming & Tooling


R, Python, SQL, BigQuery, HTML5, JavaScript, REST APIs.


R Markdown, R Shiny, Jupyter Notebooks.


JIRA, Trello, Slack, and GIT.


AWS Cloud Practitioner. 

Master SQL for Data Science. 

Healthcare Analytics in R. 

NumPy DS Essential Training.


Data Scientist

Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center, US


ETL pre-processing and enriching tasks in electronic health records using R.

Development of geospatial models for health outcomes with tabular data and spatial lag.

Data reduction of multidimensional data using PCA-based selection/percentile rank aggregation.

Diagnostics and validation (cross-validation) of predictive models.

Preparation of manuscripts and presentations for internal validation with clinical experts and publications.

Senior Software Engineer

Colombia's Center for Bioinformatics and Computational Biology (BIOS)


Implemented hybrid App + SMS API to process user claims of Colombia’s healthcare system (~54k@2017) using natural language processing (openNLP) [el tiempo - daily newspaper][Apple Store][Play Store].

Established and rolled out better development best practices including code review and readability guidelines, one-on-one meetings, version control, scrum and agile development.

Promoted to Head of bioengineering 2015, led cross-functional teams of 10 – 20 employees to develop analytic frameworks: product life cycle, code reviews and deploys, project schedules and goals.

ATG - Software engineer

LiveVox, US


Optimized 3+ key partnerships accounts (> 500K USD per year) main UI product through storyboard, wireframes, WOZ, and user stories.

Created MVPs and maintaining production environments for key partnerships accounts.

Implementation of GUI loggers for A/B testing purposes 3+ key partnerships accounts (> 500K USD per year).