Our group is a member of the USRDS Modeling Group: https://sites.google.com/view/usrds-modeling


First position after graduation: Assistant Professor, California State University, Channel Islands.

Isaac graduated from UCR with a Ph.D. in Applied Statistics in 2022. Prior to UCR, he earned his MPH at San Diego State University. During his Ph.D, his research interests were on joint models for longitudinal and survival outcomes. In addition to statistical research, Isaac works on projects addressing inequalities in under-served communities in both public health and Academia. He was the recipient of the Eugene Cota-Robles Fellowship, the Graduate Research Mentoring Program award, and the UCR CNAS Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Scholarship.

First position after graduation: Research Fellow in the Brain Tumour Group of EORTC (European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer).

Debaleena received her Ph.D. from UCR in 2021. Before joining UCR, she completed her B.S. and M.S. degrees in Statistics at the University of Calcutta and Presidency University, respectively, in India. While studying at UCR, she received the Dean's Distinguished Fellowship. Her research focuses on longitudinal and survival data analysis with applications to HIV and aging studies. She enjoys teaching undergraduate students and providing them guidance on their academic life. When not teaching or working on research, she goes out in nature and takes pictures of birds and wildlife.

Osvaldo Ramirez, UCR Statistics undergraduate student

Osvaldo earned his B.S. degree in Statistics at UCR. He worked on a survival analysis capstone project under the guidance of Drs. Kurum and Flores (UCR, Statistics). This project was motivated by identifying factors contributing to the risk of death in COVID-19 patients. Osvaldo is the recipient of the UCR Honors Program Research Fellowship and he was selected to participate in the SMART program at the UCR Statistics department in 2021. He is currently getting his Master's degree at San Diego State University.