I am an empirical microeconomist, working in three main areas. The first is the study of the determinants of household borrowing and saving. The second relates to the distribution of wages and employment in the labor market. Finally, I also work on the measurement of economic family links. The following list is loosely organized by topic.
ORCID 0000-0002-2330-5566
This is my Google Scholar Page
Household Borrowing and Saving
1. The Impact of High School Financial Education on Financial Knowledge and Saving Choices: Evidence from a Randomized Trial in Spain (joint with Olympia Bover and Laura Hospido) Journal of Human Resources (in print). BdE Working Paper no. 1801.
2. The Effects of the Introduction of Tax Incentives on Retirement Saving (joint with Juan Ayuso and Juan Francisco Jimeno) SERIEs: Journal of the Spanish Economic Association (2019) Volume 10, 211-249.
3. The Distribution of Debt Across Euro Area Countries: The Role of Individual Characteristics, Institutions and Credit Conditions (joint with O. Bover, J. Casado, S. Costa, P. DuCaju, E. Sierminska, Y. McCarthy, T. Tzamourani and T. Zavadil) International Journal of Central Banking June 2016 issue. Old version: BdE Working Paper no. 1320.
4. The Response of Household Wealth to the Risk of Job Loss: Evidence from Differences in Firing Costs (joint with Cristina Barceló) Labour Economics Volume 39 April 2016 Pages 35-54
5. Finance for All: The Impact of Financial Literacy Training in Compulsory Secondary Schooling in Spain (joint with Laura Hospido and Gema Zamarro) BdE Working Paper no. 1502
6. Consumption and Initial Mortgage Conditions: Evidence from Survey Data (joint with Giacomo Masier) BdE Working Paper no. 1101
7. Does High Cost of Mortgage Debt Explain Why Young Adults Live with their Parents? (joint with Nuno Martins) Journal of the European Economic Association Volume 7, Issue 5,pages 974–1010, September 2009
8. The Impact of Mortgage Interest Rate Subsidies on Household Borrowing (joint with Nuno Martins) Journal of Public Economics Volume 90, Issues 8–9, Pages 1601–1623, September 2006.
Labor Markets
1.Staggered Contracts and Unemployment During Recessions (joint with Efi Adamopoulou and Luis Díez-Catalán) (BdE Working Paper no. 2412). Reject and resubmit, Journal of Monetary Economics
2. Task Specialization and Cognitive Skills: Evidence from PIAAC and IALS (joint with Marta Martínez-Matute) Review of Economics of the Household 21:59-93 (2023). IZA Working Paper version here
3.Employment and Wage Effects of Extending Collective Bargaining Agreements (joint with Efi Adamopoulou) IZA World of Labor April 2022 (updated)
4. Wage Determination and the Bite of Collective Contracts: Evidence from the Metalworking Industry (joint with Efi Adamopoulou) Labour Economics, June 2022. BdE Working Paper no 2036 here.
5. The Schooling Response to a Sustained Increase in Low Skill Wages (joint with Aitor Lacuesta and Sergio Puente) SERIEs: Journal of the Spanish Economic Association 11: 457-499 (2020)
6. Estimating Compensating Wage Differentials Using Voluntary Job Changes: Evidence from Germany Industrial and Labor Relations Review. Volume 60 no 4 Article 5 July 2007
Family links
1. The risk of job loss, household formation and housing demand: Evidence from Differences in Severance Payments (joint with Cristina Barceló) Bde Working Paper no 1849
2. Measuring the Transmission of Economic Shocks Among Household Members of the Same Extended Family (2011) in Household and Economic Behaviors edited by J.A. Molina. Springer.
3. Employment Risk and Household Formation: Evidence from Differences in Firing Costs (joint with Mario Garcia Ferreira) BdE Working Paper no 0737
4. The Marginal Propensity to Spend on Adult Children (joint with Joseph Altonji) The B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis & Policy (Advances). Volume 7, Issue 1, ISSN (Online) 1935-1682, DOI: 10.2202/1935-1682.1488, February 2007
5. Inter Vivos Transfers and Bequests in three OECD Countries (2005) Economic Policy Vol 20, No 43: 505-565, July
6. Parental Altruism Under Imperfect Information: Theory and Evidence UPF Working Paper no. 566
Credit Markets
1. La evolución de la ratio de deuda sobre renta en la economía española entre 2002 y 2014: el papel de la heterogeneidad entre hogares (conjunto con Cristina Barceló, en castellano).
2. The Recent Slowdown in Bank Lending in Spain: Are Supply-Side Factors Relevant? (joint with Ignacio Hernando) The Journal of the Spanish Economic Association SERIEs (2014) 5: 564-584. DOI 10.1007s/13209-014-0117-7